Chapter Seven: Friday Night

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It was Friday. Frank and Louise were going out to Frank's friend's birthday party. They both were really excited. Frank talked to Louise about that party all week. He was very excited to present Louise to all of his close friends.

Louise received a text from Frank.

you need to dress up for tonight. don't pull up in jeans

don't worry i got you

Louise decided to wear the dress she bought last year for her birthday. It was the second time she wore it. It was a short black satin dress. She put some heels on and diamond earrings she received as a gift. She sprayed her most expensive perfume on her chest, wrists, and behind her ears. She did a light makeup and decided to wear her hair down for tonight.

She was waiting for Frank to pick her up at 9:00 PM.


9:02 PM

Louise was starting to feel nervous, but in a good way. She was eager to see Frank and to meet a bunch of people. She was really confident, she looked good in her dress and she smelled good.

"Hey, thank you for picking me up" Louise took a look at Frank. "Wow, you look good!" said Louise

He was wearing some crazy patterned slacks and a black button up shirt.

"Thank you, you look very good too!" said Frank, smiling.

"Thank you!" responded Louise.

Frank and Louise finally arrived at the party. The girl organizing the party rented an Airbnb for the night. It was located in the hills, in an upper middle-class neighbourhood. It was a very good looking house with a pool in the backyard.

"So... You didn't tell me who's birthday this is," said Louise.

"Solana's," responded Frank.

Louise furrowed her brows. She didn't know who that was.

"You know SZA?" clarified Frank.

"Oh my god, you should've told me!" exclaimed Louise. She really liked SZA's music. "Will you introduce me to her? Please?" asked Louise with a big smile.

Frank laughed. "Of course, I was planning to do that."

"Thank you! You're the best!" exclaimed Louise.

When they arrived in the house, Louise noticed how nice it was. There was a bar, a big living room where some people were chatting, and some people smoking in the kitchen. They were welcomed by Solana.

"Frank! You made it!" said Solana while giving Frank a hug.

"Of course I made it, I couldn't miss your birthday!" responded Frank. "Oh! This is my friend Louise. I think I told you about her before."

"Yes I remember!" said Solana. She then addressed herself to Louise. "Hi it's nice to finally meet you. I really like your dress. My name's Solana but you can call me So."

"It's nice meeting you too!" responded Louise shyly.

"Imma go welcome other people. Enjoy yourselves and thanks again for coming tonight," said Solana to Frank and Louise.

Solana left them. Frank and Louise continued to meet some people. Louise was starting to get bored so she decided to go to the bar to have a drink. At the bar, she opted for a cranberry vodka. Getting her drink, she sees someone walking towards her. It was a man, but she didn't recognize his face.

"Hey," he says smiling. "you're looking real good in that little dress."

She examined him. His skin was dark and he had two braids in his hair. He wasn't that tall but he still was taller than her. He was wearing a sweater with a white shirt under it and some trousers. He had a small chain hanging around his neck.

"My name's Adam, but most people know me as Aminé," he adds.

"Thank you!" Louise looked at him. "My name's Louise," she says

"I like your name. Are you from here? I've never seen you around," asked Adam.

"No, I just moved here about a week ago. I came here tonight with Frank," Louise says.

"Oh, I know Frank. He's a cool guy." stated the Adam. "Well, if you need someone to show you around the city, I'm your guy."

"Thank you, I'll think about it," joked Louise

They both proceeded to discuss their respective lives without going in too deep. Louise thought he was a really handsome man. She also thought that he was funny, charming, and interesting. Adam wouldn't stop complimenting her, he couldn't help himself. After about half an hour, they both exchanged numbers.

Frank was looking around for Louise so she decided to go back enjoying her night with him.

"Where have you been?" asked Frank.

"I was speaking with a guy. I'll tell you later about him," said Louise, giving a smirk.

Turning his head around, Frank saw some of his friends walk in. "Right on time," he thought to himself. It was Tyler, Jasper, and Travis. Jasper and Travis went to see other people but Tyler was walking towards Frank and Louise.

"Wassup sexy" said Tyler to Frank.

He was wearing a forest green sweater vest on top of a white t-shirt and brown slacks. He had some church shoes on and the same brown cap he was wearing at the record store.

"Hey, how have you been? It's been a minute," said Frank amused.

"I'm great." Tyler notices Louise but doesn't say anything. "We still go to your place after the party?" asked Tyler.

"Yeah, we can go to mine-" Frank got interrupted by Tyler's phone ringing.

"Shit-" Tyler said. "It's Sophia, I need to take this. I'll meet you at your place around midnight," Tyler said to Frank while leaving the room picking up his phone.

Frank and Louise both looked at eachother.

"Who's that girl Sophia?" asked Louise.

"Tyler's girlfriend. They've been on and off for about a year, shit's complicated. Their relationship is the most toxic thing I've ever seen," Frank shook his head. "I keep tellin' Tyler to break up with that girl but he's too fucking stubborn. Why are you asking?"

"I don't know, just wondering," said Louise. "So... You didn't tell me you were doing an afterparty at your place?"

"Forgot to mention it. You wanna come?" asked Frank.

"I wouldn't miss it," said Louise.

They both laughed.

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