Chapter Sixteen: Party Pt.2

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I forgot how fun it was flirting with strangers.

I recognized some of Frank's friends I've met before so I decided to go talk to them. They really are nice people.

A few minutes later, Jackson came to me with two drinks in his hands. He handed one to me.

"Thank you," I said smiling.

We talked for a few minutes outside until we decided to go back inside, there were less people and the music wasn't as loud as outside. We both sat down on a loveseat.

A few minutes passed by and I really started to feel the alcohol, I was drunk. Jackson started to get more and more touchy and flirty with me and I kind of liked it. His arms were around me and our faces were really close.

I looked around and caught a glimpse of Tyler.

He was in the room next to us, speaking with some girls. He looked like he was having a good time. One of the girls wouldn't stop touching him while speaking to him. I felt my teeth clenched a bit, I needed to stop looking at him.

I took my eyes back to Jackson. He started to whisper things in my ear. I couldn't make out exactly what he said, but it sounded sexy. His hand was on my thigh and his arm was around me.

One of Jackson's friends interrupted us. I took that moment to look back at Tyler. The girls were gone, it was just him. He was leaning on a wall, looking at me. I checked my phone quickly and saw a text message from him.

stop flirting with that nigga.

I felt chills all over my body. I knew he was watching my every move, and I was drunk and acting stupid

Jackson's friend was gone. I started to flirt even harder with him, just because I knew Tyler was watching. I took Jackson's face with my hands, looked him in the eyes, and kissed him. We couldn't let go of each other's mouth, the kiss becoming more and more intense.

"You wanna go upstairs?" He asked me.

"Yeah let's go."

We both got up the couch and made our way upstairs. We found a small bathroom and got in.

He sat me down on the sink counter and stood up between my legs. He grabbed my face and started kissing me.

"You're so hot," he whispered in my ear.

He grabbed my hand, brought it down, and made me rub his buldge.

"Now you know what you gotta do," he whispered onto my neck.

He backed away from me and took out a condom from his pocket.

The door slammed open. I immediately froze as I saw who opened it.

"Let's go Louise."

It was him, he followed me up there.

"Tyler what the fuck are you doing?"

Jackson eyed Tyler, I could tell he was mad.

"Nigga get the fuck outta here," he said to Tyler.

Tyler's eyes opened wide as he heard what Jackson had just said to him. He looked back at me and grabbed my arm. I got off the counter.

"Let's go."

I've never seen him in that state. He looked so mad, almost aggressive.

"No, let go of me. I'm not going with you."

Jackson interrupted us. "You heard her, get the fuck out."

"Louise you're fucking drunk. I'm not leaving you alone with him," his grip around my arm was getting tighter and tighter.

"Tyler you're hurting me."

He ignored me.

"You heard your bitch. Let go of her."

Tyler let go of my arm and turned around, he was fuming.

"Say that shit again nigga."

"You heard your bitch. Let go of her."

Tyler pushed Jackson on the wall really hard. I was surprised he didn't collapse on the ground.

Things were getting too violent, so I hurried to get out of there.

Tyler started to follow me down the stairs.


I didn't want to cause a scene so I pushed through the people downstairs to get out of the house.

I got outside and immediately sat down in front of the house. I found a small spot near a bush where no one could hear or see me.

"Louise stop running away from me."

I ignored him. He sat right next to me.

"Louise, look at me."

At that moment I really hated him. Why is it so hard for him to mind his fucking business?

"Explain yourself," I told him.


"Go ahead, I'm listening."

"You were drunk and he took advantage of you. Do you even realize all the things he could've done to you?"

He looked very concerned.

I sighed, "I can take care of myself Tyler, I don't need you."

"I had to."

"No you didn't. Why do you even care anyways? We're nothing more than friends, and I'm not even sure if we are friends."

"You know we could be more than just friends."

I sighed.

"Don't do that."

"Why? You know it's true."

Tyler is a really honest person. I love how he could say anything that crossed his mind without fear. But right now was not the time.

I changed the subject.

"What happened with Sophia?"

"She still had a bunch of shit at my house so I went over to hers to give it back. That's it."

"Why did she text you that?"

"Cause she's Sophia. She does weird shit like that."

I looked down at my hands, playing with a small piece of grass.

He placed his hand on my arm.

"...But it's over with her now, I'm forreal this time."

I looked up to him and sat my head on his shoulder. He put his arm around me.

I was still wondering what were all the bad things Frank told me she did to Tyler. Maybe one day he'll trust me enough to tell me.

"You cold?" He asked me.

"Just a bit."

"Let's get you home."

I nodded my head as he helped me get up.

"Tyler," he looked at me. "Thank you for telling the truth."

"Don't make a big deal out of it."

He had a smile on his face.


Tyler drove me home.

I was so tired I immediately went to bed. I couldn't stop thinking about what Tyler said earlier, "you know we could be more than just friends."

It stuck with me.

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