Chapter Twelve: Backyard

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It was the next day. After she and Tyler went back inside the club, Louise only stayed for a few minutes and then decided she wanted to go home. Tyler proposed himself to drive her home, but she declined his proposition. She needed to be alone in her thoughts. It was her way to get over things. She called an Uber to go home.

It was an usual Sunday for her. She went to the grocery store and made some other errands. She was bored so she texted Frank.

im bored :(

Her phone started ringing, it was Frank.


"Hey Louise, I just saw your text. You wanna come over?"

"Yeah why not."

1:27 PM

Louise drove over to Frank's place. It was only a 20 minutes drive away from her place. She knocked on the unlocked door while opening it.

"Hey Louise!"


She puts down her bag and her keys on his entrance bench.

"You didn't stay long at the party last night. What happened?"

"I was a bit tired, wasn't feelin' it."

She looked up to Frank, he looked at her like he was waiting on her to say something else. She had a feeling that he was aware of what happened the night before. "Tyler probably told him," she thought to herself.

"Frank, please stop looking at me like that. What do you want to know?"

"I just want to know what happened with Adam, Tyler mentioned it but he didn't wanna tell me more," he said with almost pity eyes.

Louise shocked her head and laughed to herself. She explained to him the whole situation and told him every detail.

"You blocked the nigga, right?"

"Yeah, I blocked him last night. It's no big deal though, I didn't know him and we weren't even a fling. I already moved on."

They gossiped a little more about the party.

"Tyler told me something last night before the party."

Louise furrowed her brows. "What was it?"

"He broke up with Sophia last week. He said she was too clingy and he wasn't in love with her anymore."

"And what does it have to do with me?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to let you know. Incase-" he gets cut off by his phone's ring. "Oh, speaking of him." Frank showed Tyler's picture on his ringing phone.

Louise rolled her eyes.

Frank answered his phone. "Wassup- I'm not doing anything- right now?- yeah I'm with her right now, I'll ask her- your place?- ok we'll head over, later."

"What did he want?"

Frank turns to Louise, "he wanna know if we wanted to go hang out at his house. There's already a few people, It'll be fun."

"You already told him we were going so I guess we'll go. I don't wanna stay there too late though, I have work tomorrow."

2:47 PM

They arrived at Tyler's house. Louise was amazed by his house, it was massive.

"Tyler told me they were in the backyard," said Frank.

They walked around the house and started to hear people talking and laughing. They were welcomed by Travis.

"Hey wassup Frank," said Travis while dapping him up.

"Sup dude," responded Frank. "This is Louise, I don't think y'all have met yet. She moved here like two weeks ago."

"Oh! Is that your friend from France? That's sick, well, it's nice to meet you. My name's Travis but everyone calls me Taco."

"Nice to meet you too!"

Louise was happy to meet Frank's friends but she wondered where Tyler was.

They sat down around the outdoor table with 3 other friends of Frank. At the beginning Louise was a little shy but she warmed up fast. She thought they were really cool people and that they were easy-going. It was easy to speak with them and she never felt judged. It felt good and she was happy.

A few minutes passed and Tyler still wasn't around. Louise guessed that he was probably inside the house so she pretended that she needed to go to the bathroom.

"I really need to go to the bathroom," half whispered Louise so only Frank could hear her.

"Past the kitchen there's a corridor on your left, it's the second door on your right," responded Frank.

"Thank you."

When she entered the house, she was amazed by the house again. The interior was very well decorated. She thought it was a bit basic, but you can never go wrong with it. She could see that Tyler added a little bit of his touches on the interior design. It was a really nice looking home.

Louise followed the directions Frank gave her. She didn't see Tyler, maybe he was upstairs.

She washed her hands and dried them with a hand towel. She opened the door and walked down the hall. When she turned around the corner to get to the kitchen, she bumped into someone.

"Oh shit my bad," Louise said.

"You good."

It was Tyler. He was wearing a mustard yellow sweater on top of a white button shirt and some tanned color pants.

"Oh shit, Louise! What're you doin' inside my house?" he asked jokingly.

"You invited me here," she answered sarcastically. "Sorry I bumped into you."

"Don't worry, I wasn't paying any attention either. You feelin' better?"

"Yeah, thank you again for last night."

Tyler smiled. "Don't worry about it. You looked too cute last night for me to let you cry over a nigga alone."

"'Cause I don't look cute right now? " she asked jokingly.

Tyler laughed. "Nah you're right, you're cute today too."

Louise felt her cheeks get hot. She didn't know if he was serious or if he was just being friendly.

"Well, thank you. You're cute too," Louise didn't give him time to respond to her compliment. "Let's go back outside."

They both headed outside. Louise sat back at her seat next to Frank. Tyler sat right across from her.

They stayed there talking with everyone for about two hours. Louise was surprised that everyone was so interested to know more about her life back in France.

The whole time she felt Tyler's eyes on her. Everytime she talked she felt his eyes trace her lips. He looked so interested and curious, he was trying to figure her out. Everytime she met his gaze, he never looked away from her. She couldn't help but start to feel those butterflies in her stomach.

5:54 PM

Driving back home, Louise thought about Tyler a lot. She was confused with how he was acting. She didn't really know him so she couldn't figure out  if he was just being nice to her or if he was flirting. She decided to go with the flow, she didn't want to rush anything. She has just arrived in L.A and she wasn't looking for anything serious, but if it happens, then it happens.


A text message from Tyler.

"Oh my god," she thought to herself, "that can't be him."

i ain't forgot you called me cute earlier;)

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