Chapter Seventeen: Ghost

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1 week later

"...more than just friends."

I could still remember Tyler's words as if he had just said it even if it was a week later.

I spoke to Tyler a couple times during the last week but he seemed really weird and distant. Frank told me that he gets like that when he's really focusing on his music. Our conversations were dry and it felt like we were back to square one.

you wanna hangout?
-sent Tuesday, 3:47 pm

was at the studio
-sent Tuesday, 11:24 pm

let me know when you're free:)
-sent Wednesday,10:12 am

yeah ilyk
-sent Wednesday, 9:47 pm

I didn't understand what could have happened to give him a reason to act like that.

Anyways, I didn't have time to think about him too much because work was keeping me really busy. Big companies from a few places around the world were buying my designs and I couldn't be more proud of myself. I was getting the bag too.

My birthday was coming up in a few days. I asked Frank if he wanted to get dinner on my special day but he said that he was coming up with something for me. I was really excited and eager to see what he was up to. It was on a Friday too so I had good expectations.

Monday, 7:46 pm

"Hi," Frank said as he stepped into my apartment.

"Oh hi. You didn't tell me you were coming?"

"Was bored and I wanted to talk to you."

I chuckled.

"So," he looked at me, "you remember last week? We went to a party together."


"But we didn't come back together."


"Who brought you home? The bartender?"

I laughed right at his face. He really thought he did something.

"No, not the bartender. Why would you think that?"

"Cause y'all were heavy flirting. You really thought y'all were slick and that nobody saw y'all?"

I laughed again.

"We were just having fun."

"Yeah I bet." "Y'all made someone jealous though."


"Oh you know who was jealous."

"No I don't."


"I don't think he was jealous."

"Yeah, he was," he said, chuckling.

"Was he?"

"He went up to me talking shit about the nigga. He said a bunch of things like "that nigga better get his musty ass hands off of her if he wants to see tomorrow"."

I laughed at his poor imitation of Tyler.

"He really said that?"

"Yeah I swear."

I chuckled , shaking my head.

"What you find so funny?"

"I don't know, it's just that we haven't really spoken to each other since."

"Why's that?"

"He's dry as fuck. I don't understand what I did to deserve that."

"I think he's just focusing on the album. Don't overthink it, you didn't do anything wrong."

"I made out with a stranger, right in front of him."

"Oooh I forgot that. Don't worry he'll come around, just give him a few days."

"Yeah I don't know. I have a lot on my plate right now that I'd rather focus on. I like him but I don't know if I like him like that."

"Do what you gotta do."

Tuesday, 2:31 pm

My office phone started to ring.

"Am I speaking to Mrs.Louise Dubois?"

"Yes it's me."

"Hello, Daniel Anderson from Legat Architects Incorporation located in Chicago. We saw your work and we'd like you to join our team."

I knew that company, they're a good one. They have a great portfolio, but I can't accept it. There's too many things happening to me right now in Los Angeles.

"Oh I'm sorry I'm not looking for anything right now."

"I'll let you think about it, we have a lot of different options for you. My assistant will reach out to you by email and I'll call back next week if you ever change your mind. Just wait to see what we can offer before declining."

"Alright, I'll wait for your call."

I thought about it for a second. I couldn't accept it, it was too far from home. Too far from my mom, Frank, my new friends. Although it could be a great opportunity career wise, I was just starting to feel at home here.

I'll think about it.

Friday, 6:56 pm

"... happy birthday to you!"

My mom called me to sing happy birthday to me.

"Thank you mom, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll come by this weekend to give you your present. Have a great birthday night and tell Frank I said hi."

"Will do, and I don't need any presents. Bye."

We hung up the phone and I started getting ready. Frank told me to dress nicely so I brought a little dress. It was sexier than what I usually wore but who cared, it was my birthday.

I still haven't spoken to anyone about the job in Chicago. I wanted to be fully sure of my decision and I didn't want anybody to influence my choice.

I wanted to have a good time tonight so I pushed these thoughts to the back of my mind.

Frank was picking me up to go back to his place. I was really excited to see what he had come up with.


"You ready for tonight?" Frank asked me.

"Yeah I'm so excited!"

He opened the door and I saw about 20 people screaming to me "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

They were all Frank's friends that had become pretty close friends to me. I was really happy to see them. They were all dressed up so nicely.

Even Isabella was there.

"Girl I didn't think I was gonna see you here," I said, hugging her.

"When Frank Ocean invites you to a party, you go to that party."

We both burst out laughing.

"Nah seriously I'm happy to see you girl, happy birthday! You're such a cool person you deserve the best."

"Aw thank you, you're so sweet," I hugged her again. "I'm gonna go say hi to the others, I'll see you later."

I spoke to a few people and I couldn't stop looking around the room.

I still haven't seen Tyler.

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