Chapter Fifteen: Party

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A week later, Friday 4:07 p.m

I haven't answered any of Tyler's texts. I knew I'd have to tell him sooner or later, but now was not the time. He was still sending me text messages the whole week.

hey, you good?
-sent Sunday, 12:34 p.m

you doing anything tonight?
-sent Monday, 6:23 p.m

text me back when you can.
or call me
-sent Wednesday, 10:34 a.m

Not to mention the few calls that went straight to voicemail. I still felt really bad doing this, I knew it wasn't right.

I remembered that Frank still hasn't given me back my D'Angelo record so I decided to go get it back.

omw to your place rn


The escalator doors opened and I went straight to Frank's door. I knocked on it and tried to open it but it was locked. I knocked again and waited a few seconds for him to come and unlock the door.

"Oh hi Louise, come in. I wasn't expecting you."

"You didn't see my text?" I asked him.

"No, you lucky I just got here. I'm waiting on Tyler though, he's supposed to come help me with something."

"Tyler's coming?

"Yeah soon, you didn't tell me how y'alls second date went."

"It was going really well until I saw a text from Sophia on his phone saying "it was good seeing you I miss you" or some shit like that."



"Wow I really didn't see that coming, I'm sorry it happened to you Louise. You spoke to Tyler 'bout it?"

"No, I ignored his texts and calls the whole week."

"Louise, don't be stupid. You needa tell him, he has to know why you acting like that."

"I know I just don't want to deal with all that."

"Stop ignoring him, you have to tell him."

He was right, I needed to tell Tyler what was going on. He had the right to know.

"I know, you're right. Anyways, I was just stopping by 'cause I was bored and I wanted to get my D'Angelo record back."

"I was kinda wishing you'd forget about it," he laughed.

He left the room to get the record. At the same time, I heard the front door open. It was Tyler.

"Louise? What are you doin' here?"

"I-I needed to pick up something."

"You didn't text back."

"Yeah I know."

"Did I do something?"

"You still seeing your ex. I saw the text you received from Sophia when you were at my place, that's why I didn't want to text you back."

Tyler stared into my eyes, "Louise-"

Frank came back with my record and handed it to me. "There you go Louise."

"Thank you Frank," I said, passing by Tyler, going out the door. "Later."


Tyler tried to call me again, and I didn't answer.

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