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Great, another day with an abusive father. I don't want to move again, it seems like we just got here even though it was almost a year ago. I guess time flies when you're scared all the time. I can only hope that we can stay longer in this town, and I can definitely hope that they have a very good hospital that doesn't ask questions.


Uh oh... I jump up and get dressed in what seems like just a couple of seconds, still making sure that the latest bruises on my wrists were hidden. Then I grab my 3 suitcases and my purse plus my laptop bag and basically tumble down the stairs. I put all my stuff in my car then get in. Thankfully I saved enough to get a light blue jeep, she is my beautiful baby and I'll never leave her. My dad even told me he wouldn't go near my car and said that it was mean to the car.... like what about hitting your daughter? I don't care though, at least with my car I can drive myself to the hospital.

"I'm going to go first, follow me to the T, okay?"

He's talking to me like I'm stupid,

"Yeah, got it."

He got in his car and started driving. Hopefully this new town is better then this one, I'd be very lucky to get some friends. I also hope that he might be not-so-abusive to me for a couple days even though I doubt it. Last time I had to say I was in an abusive relationship because I had bruises on my wrists and a black eye that I couldn't cover with make-up. I could barely walk and the teachers contacted my dad saying that I came forward about my relationship with somebody named "Carl." I don't even know a Carl but it worked, I got like 2 weeks free of no beatings.

My phone started ringing, it was my dad. He has his good days and his bad. I answered.

-----ON CALL-----

"Hello dad, is everything okay?"

Please don't be in a mood, please don't be in a mood, PLEASE DON'T BE IN A MOOOOOD.

"Yes, everything is okay but I wanted to ask you what day you wanted to start school?"

Oh okay, sigh of relief there.

"Oh, uhm I can probably go in tomorrow."

"How about the day after that? You need a day to rest and explore but also get your room ready."

"Okay, do you want to stop for food soon."

6 Hours Later

FINALLY, we are almost there, maybe about 4 more hours. That would mean that I have drivin a 10 HOUR DRIVE... THAT'S A LOT, EVEN FOR ME.

4 Hours Later

We made it!!! We both decided that we need to rest and unpack tomorrow. We also decided that I will explore more tomorrow, I can only wish that he has a good day. Being the new kid is something but only being in a town for less then 3 days then showing up at the hospital beat up to where it hurts to breathe and look yourself in the mirror is something else.

New me, new life, new people, new school, new lies, more secrets, more fear.

I hope this doesn't end badly.


This is my first real story, so please don't hate on it or hate on me. I write for fun and to escape what is going on in the world at the moment, I honestly don't know how many people are actually going to read my story (I don't expect it to be much) but I'm trying my best. So once again, please don't hate on me. I like fantasy and the paranormal. ALSO, this story is 100 percent fiction obviously but for some reason i still feel the need to point it out. Thank you and goodbye my wolf babies :)

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