"First Day Back"

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"Bells, wake up."

"I don't want to go to school, I don't know anyone and they all know something happened."

"How would you know?"

"I just do, call it intuition."

"Well get up, I think my dad cooked pancakes-"

Before he could finish, I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. I got ready, I'm wearing I blue hoodie and Jeans. I ran out and went into the kitchen and sat across from Noah.

"I made you a plate."

"Oh my god I love you Noah."

"*Smile* Where's Stiles?"

"Getting ready I think."

I got my plate and sat down, I started eating then I see a hand take ONE OF MY PANCAKES off of my plate. I already know it's Stiles. I don't mind, but if it was a stranger then let's just say they wouldn't have hands anymore. I continue eating. After a couple minutes, we finished eating then got our backpacks and got in his car.

"Are you ready Bells?"

"Yes, are we picking anyone up?"

"Not today, Scott is riding his bike, Lydia is coming with Allison and Liam is probably just going to run."

"I get to meet Allison?!?!?!?"

"Yep, are you ready for this? We're almost there."

"I am... I think. You'll try to stay by me right?"

"Yes, my dad even called and got me and you in most of the same classes, If I'm not in the same class as you then Lydia, Allison, Liam or Scott will be there."

"Okay, what if I kill someone?"

"Oh don't start please."

"What? People already think I'm killing everyone, why not just play the part."

I look down. He side-hugs me.

"It'll be okay."

"Yeah. I hope today goes well."


We stayed the rest of the time quiet. Once we got there, we got out and I realized something... I'm on the lacrosse team and I forgot about that. I looked at my phone and saw I had 5 minutes until first bell. I put my hood up and ran past Stiles. I ran pretty quickly, even after just having a concussion but I kept going. I got to coach's office and knocked.

"Come in."

I walked in.

"Hello Ray."

Oh I hate my last name-well my real last name at least.

"Hey, I just wanted to see if I was still on the team?"

"Yes you are, you are better then half the people on the team and you haven't even played a game."

"Okay, good to know."

I go to leave but I hear him speak again.

"There's a game tonight. Can you make it?"

"Yes, I absolutely can."

"Great. Have McCall bring you here for practice today too."

"Okay. Bye."


I left and sped to my next class. I got in when the first bell rang meaning I had time but I also just realized that I left Stiles, without an explanation after just talking about how he'd try and stay by me. I get my phone out and texted Stiles that I was already in class. After like 2 minuets, Stiles and Scott came in and tried to sit by me when the teacher spoke up.

"No, no sitting by each other. You 3 are all distracting to each other. You sit over there."

Stiles walked away and sat down and Scott went to the other side of the room. As kids were coming in, I saw these 2 people walk in. Twins. I look at Stiles and Scott and see that they both tensed up. One twin sat on the right side of me and the other one on my left. I am immediately more uncomfortable. I wonder what they are. Werewolves? Maybe they are what's been killing people lately, what if they're alphas. Why hasn't anyone told me about them. I feel my phone buzzing and know that either Stiles or Scott are texting me or maybe it's the group chat but both of the twins keep looking at me. What if they are- no. They can't be. I look at both their hands, no rings. That still doesn't rule them out.


I shoot my head up.


"What's the answer to the equation?"

I don't even look at it.

"32 sir."

Everyone looked at me weirdly... Including the teacher.

"H-How did you know that?"

I just shrugged and looked back down to the desk, still way out of my comfort zone.  But then I start getting a little dizzy. I go limp for a split second but make myself stay awake, I see both the twins look at each other then me.

"Are you okay?"

I don't know which one asked that but I just shook my head yes.

Come on Bells, you can make it through this. Exit reality... I know how to do that, get lost in your own thoughts and imagine whatever your mind wants you too.


Okay, it's over. Nobody has even stood up before I'm up, have my stuff and am out the door. I go to my locker and realize that I don't have any pain medication.

"Hey, are you alright? You looked pretty bad in class."

I turn and see the twins. Don't talk, I get this very bad feeling from them. I just shake my head yes, close my locker then walk to to find Scott.

"Bella, did you talk to them?"

"No Scott, I didn't. Who are they?"

"Alpha twins. They've hurt a lot of us and I don't want you near them."

"That's perfectly fine, I don't get good vibes from them at all. Let's go to the field."

"Okay, Stiles said he's meet us in the locker room. He went to tell the girls about them being back."

"Being back?"

"We killed someone in their pack, then all of them dispersed, they want to be in my pack-our pack but one of them won't hesitate to kill someone innocent."

"Wow, soooo..... Lacrosse."

"No no no, I told you about them, now what was going on with you in class? I heard your heartbeat stop."

"I don't know what happened, I was fine one second then got dizzy and a bit of a headache and when I felt my body go limp for a split second, I freaked out and made myself stay awake. I have this thing I can do."

"Like supernatural thing?"

"I don't think so. I can exit myself from reality, kinda see anything I want but sometimes that's not a good thing."

"What do you mean?"

"When I have nightmares, I can see everything clearly and I only realize when I'm dreaming, is when I count my fingers and have 6 of them."

"You know, Stiles does that too."

"Count his fingers when he's having a nightmare?"




We get to the locker room and go in. We meet Stiles at his locker, apparently me and Stiles's lockers are right next to each other.


Everyone got quiet. He made me introduce myself to everyone which I was not very greatful for but I got past it. They gave me some extra gear, I got everything on and went out there, I'm ready... I just hope I don't die.

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