"I'm Sorry"

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While we headed there I decided to start talking because I don't exactly like silence.

"I don't remember if we talked about this but what about my baby?"

"YOU HAVE A KID?!?!?!?"

"WHAT? No no no no not what I'm talking about. *Laugh* My jeep, she is my baby and I never leave her behind."

I frown a little, I left my baby but I will get her tomorrow no matter what happens tomorrow I will get her.

"Hey, don't worry. We will get her tomorrow, she will be okay."

"Okay. Thank you."

"Of course, when we get back do you want to shower?"

"If that's okay? I mean I really don't want to be a burden."

"Your not, okay? It was my dads idea, I mean I was going to ask him obviously but he beat me to it."


At Stiles's House

We get to his house and go inside. He takes me to his room and gives me some of his clothes to wear. I know I already have a go bag with clothes in my car but I don't want to make him feel bad so I just don't say anything.
He then takes me to the bathroom and shows me how to turn the water on and which way was hot and cold.

I got in and showered for like 15 minutes, they don't have girl soap but Stiles told me to use his so I did. I got out, dried off and got dressed. I walked into his room and saw him passed out, sitting up on the bed. I laugh in my head and put my stuff down, I hear a sound from the kitchen and I walk in there.

"Hey Bella."

"Hey Sheriff Stilinski."

"You can call me Noah."


"Come sit down, I need a break anyways."

"What are you doing?"

"People have been getting killed and I'm trying to find a lead. Stiles normally bugs me and tries to help, it seems like everything is connected to the school."

I start looking at all the papers scattered on the table.

"I've tried to look but none of the people being killed were ever in the same class."

"Hmm, what about sports teams? Like lacrosse, swim?"

Then he gives me this look that looks like he has a thought.

"Can you hand me the different yearbooks."

"Umm, sure."

I grab it and hand it to him then I hear footsteps, Stiles.

"What's going on, dad have you found any leads?"

"Ha, I haven't but Bella definitely has."

It seems like Stiles super-sped over. He sat between me and his dad.

"What do you mean? Bells, what did you figure out?"

"I- Um- I just asked if he looked at the different sports, you know to see if they all shared a same sport."

"Smart, dad did she do good?"

"Yes and I can't decide if I actually want 2 Stiles, because at this point, you, Scott and Bella are doing my job better than me."

I giggled a little.

"My head hurts, do you have anything to help?"

"Yeah I think I have something in m-our room. Let's go, goodnight dad."

"Goodnight Stiles, goodnight Bella."

"Goodnight Noah."

We walked back to our room and he got me the medicine and gave me a water bottle.

"I honestly can't believe you found that out before me, you don't even know the whole story and you still figured it out."

"I'm good with clues and putting things together I guess."

"I guess so, tomorrow me and Scott are going to take you to meet someone we're pretty close to. You'll probably see his uncle too. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, umm thank you for the medicine.*Chuckle*"

"*Laugh* You're welcome."

His laugh is so cute- wait no no no. His laugh is not cute. He is not cute in any way. If I like him then he could get hurt.

"Let's lay down,"

I snapped out of my thoughts.

"I-Uh yeah."

He laid down near the the edge and let me be close to the wall. Eventually I fell back asleep but not before I heard his even breathing.

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