"First Day'

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WHY WHY WHY?????? I don't wanna get up, I don't wanna deal with people and I don't wanna deal with my dad.


Oh no oh no oh no

I jump up and get dressed in a black hoodie, sweat pants and just normal shoes then run downstairs with my backpack only to be immediately hit in the face with my dads flying fist.


I don't let him do anything else before I'm already running to my car. I jump in and start speeding to the school, I don't even have time to put any makeup on so I just throw my hood up to hide my already black eye. I get out and start speed walking in, on the way I accidentally bump into someone but I don't stop, in fact I go even faster.

I run into my chemistry class making everyone who was already there look at me but I still keep my head down.

"Ahh, Bella right?"


"Wow, not much of a talker I see. My name is Mr.Harris, have a seat right there."

I go sit and put my head down.

"Ahh Stiles, Scott, glad for you to finally join us.

I feel someone sit in the seat beside me.

"Hey, I'm Stiles."

Don't look, don't look, don't look. Come on Bella you can do it.

"Are you mute? I'm so sorry."


"I'm not mute."

"Well, what do you look like?"

"Sorry, I don't exactly like people."

"Why? Are you new here?"

"Yeah, I am"

"Wow, Bella, Stiles, detention both of you. And you too Scott."

"What did I do?!?!?"

"You've done something."

Great, my first day and I already have detention. I hope that they don't call my dad, if so then I'll be missing a few days of school. I space out for the rest of the class.


OH THANK GOD. I jump up as soon as I hear that and run out of the class room. I go straight to my locker and take a deep breath, that was too close in there. If that Stiles boy keeps asking questions or tries to make friends, he could get very very hurt. I also have asthma so if I have panic attacks or anxiety attacks, it could start an asthma attack and everything burns down and I- calm down, breathe breathe breathe.

"Hey a-are you okay?"

No no no no no no don't have a panic attack now. It's a girl talking to me.

"Hey, come here."

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bathroom.

"Sit down okay?"

I sit down. After a couple of minutes, my breathing went down.

"I'm Lydia Martin."

"I'm Bella, Ella for short."

"Hey Ella, what happened to your eye?"

Don't tell her, don't tell her. But she seems so nice.

"My dad, he started drinking after my mom died and that lead to hitting, punching, kicking. I've gotten use to it, I just didn't have time to put makeup on this morning."

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