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It has been like an hour and a half, Stiles has been calling me non-stop to the point where my voice mail box is full. I don't want to leave but I have to. I start walking back to my baby. I walk for like 2 hours and finally see my baby. Somethings not right, I hear my phone buzz, it's a text.

Text Message

"If you ever want to see your little boyfriend, Derek or Peter ever again... Come back home."

End of Message

No no no no no, NO NO NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING.... Okay Bella, you can do this. Don't cry, get in your car and drive.

I get in my car and start driving to my old house. I get there and immediately know that he wasn't lying about having them.

I walk in and feel something hit my head... AGAIN but this time, I immediately pass out. I wake up I don't know how long later. I hear a rustling so I look to my left and see Stiles trying to get to me but he can't. His hands are chained to a radiator I think and he has a gag stuffed in his mouth. I try to get to him but I realize that I'm the same as him, chained to something and a gag in my mouth. I start freaking out but still control my breathing as calmly as I could instead of having a panic attack. I look around and see Peter and Derek chained to what looks like an electric fence, I think we are in the basement. I know that if a certain amount of electricity goes through a werewolf then they can't turn and sometimes it can kill them if it's to high and goes on for hours. The perfect way of torture. I have a literal killer headache, and feel like I'm passing out. Stiles, Peter and Derek are all trying to talk but all of our mouths are gagged. I hear footsteps, they are angry.

"Hello daughter."

He takes out my gag and hits me. Stiles struggles even more and that caught his attention, he went straight for him. I can't let him get hurt.

"Don't hurt him."

"Fine, will you take his punishment?"

All 3 start to struggle even more.

"I'll take all 3, you'll have to kill me before you even touch them."

They all struggle even more.

"Fine, deal. Let's go."

He unlocks the chains and pulls me up, I can barely walk by myself. They all struggle more. My dad hit me again and started dragging me up the stairs. I didn't fight, I have to protect them... No matter what it takes.

10 Minutes later

He brought me to my room. He made me sit on the bed, it seems like he's waiting every minute then hitting me in my face or my stomach, mostly my stomach. Then I hear it...


"What the he-"

He pulled out a gun and pointed it at my head


He makes me stand up and stay in front of him while he continues to point the gun at my head. I stay as quiet as I can. The door opens and Noah is there with his gun.


"No. Leave before I kill her."


Then Stiles came around and stopped at a halt, he stands in the doorway and he has tears in his eyes. This is it. I'm gunna die. I haven't even finished highschool and my own dad is going to kill me....... Wait, I have an idea. I hope this works...

I gather all my strength and swing my head back hitting my dad in the nose with the back of my head. He dropped the gun and let me go. As soon as I don't feel him holding me, I run into Stiles's arms and he immediately wraps his arms around me. He whispers to me.

"*Whispers* I'm so sorry Bells."

I don't answer I hug him tighter. He pulls me aside while Noah drags my dad out in handcuffs. I start to feel a little dizzy and almost go limp in his arms.

"*Whispers* Are you okay."

"*Whispers* Please don't let me go."

"*Whispers* I won't Bells, what's wrong."

Then everything goes black.

About 30 minutes later

I open my eyes and immediately freak out a little.

"Shh Bells it's okay, it's okay."

I Calm down instantly. I realize that we are in my jeep, we are in the back and Derek and Peter are up front. Peter is driving even though he knows I don't like anyone touching my baby, unless it's Stiles. I trust him since we have the same car. Stiles is sitting straight, I'm sitting on his lap. Not in a sexual way, in a comforting, cuddling type of way.

"My head hurts."

"I know Bells, we had to stop by the hospital to get a higher dose of pain medication."

"Where are we going now?"

"Back home bells."

Everything is still a little fuzzy. I remember everything but I feel like I can't even though I can- it's very confusing. I feel like my head is exploding.

"My head hurts."

"I know, try to go back to sleep."


I put my head in the crook of his neck, then I close my eyes and drift back off to sleep.

10 Minutes later

I feel the car stop, I have a massive headache and feel like getting sick.

"Bells, are you awake?"


"Do you want me to carry you in?"

"I don't want to move."

"Okay. Put you arms around my neck okay?"


He stood up and carried me inside. I heard Noah's voice.

"Bella are you okay?"

"I don't thing so. Please put me down."

He immediately put me down, I ran into his bathroom and threw up. I heard a knock on the door.

"Bells are you okay? What's going on?"

"Please don't come in. I just got sick."

"I don't care about you throwing up Bells, it's not like I'm going to hate you because you threw up at our house, in our bathroom. Do you need to take a shower or anything?"

"Yeah but I don't think I can stand that long on my own."

"I'll call Lydia."

"Don't, I don't wanna bother her."

"You won't be. Do you need water or anything?"

"No, I'm okay."

"You're lying. I'll be back Bells."

He left and I start feeling dizzy again, I flush the toilet since I don't feel like I'm gunna get sick again. I hear a knock on the door.


"I'm coming in."

Before I could say no, he opened the door and came straight to me. He sat by me can gave me the water.

"I'm sorry."

"For what? Bells you did nothing wrong."


"But nothing Bells. You didn't do anything."

"Stiles, you could have died."

"But I didn't, he didn't even hurt me. You saved me. You shouldn't have done that."

"But I did."

He pulls me into a hug. We stay like that until there is another knock on the door.

"It's Lydia, can I come in?"

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