"Truth or Dare"

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We've played for a couple minutes when Lydia called on me.

"Ells, truth or dare?"

"Hmm, truth."

"Okay, have you ever been arrested?"

Uh oh...


They all look shocked and look at me in question.

"Bells, what did you do?"

"I stole something and I broke this girls nose."

"W-wait, you've been arrested more then once?"

"Only twice alright? Stiles, truth or dare?"


"Alright, I dare you to sing."

"Ell why did you have to say that? He sucks at singing."

"Shut up Scott. I do not suck at singing, I am an angel."

I laugh and so does Lydia and Scott. He starts singing...

"LeT It Go, LeT iT gO, I cAn'T hOlD iT bAcK aNyMoRe-"

I interrupt him.

"Okay okay okay. You can stop now."


He looks down like he's ashamed.

"You are an amazing singer Stiles."

He smile really big.

"Thank you Bells."

He hugs me.

We played for about an hour when we started to get tired. We talked about when we will be going back to school, I guess we are going back in like two days.

"So where will everyone be sleeping?"

I asked just thinking that me and Lydia would sleep in the living-room.

"You and Lydia can sleep on the bed, me and Scott will sleep on the floor."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yes Bells. Now let's go to sleep."


We all got laid down, this time Lydia was closer to the wall and I was on the edge.

30 Minutes later

About half an hour later, I'm still awake. I think everyone else is asleep, it seems like I can only sleep when I'm near Stiles but I don't know why.

"*Whispers* Bells, you awake?"

"*Whispers* Yeah, I can't sleep."

"*Whispers* Me either, do you want to come down here and talk?"

"*Whispers* Yeah."

I slowly get up and lay by Stiles. We talk for a little bit, he wraps his arm around me, and we end up falling asleep next to each other.

Next Morning

I slowly open my eyes and hear Lydia and Scott talking. I'm guessing Stiles is still asleep because I still feel his arms wrapped around me.

"They are so cute together."

"They are, me and Allison were never like that."

"Maybe that's because you started dating after like a day of knowing each other and her dad is a hunter who has tried to kill you more than once."

"Yeah, I guess. I can't believe they aren't dating."

"Yeah they definitely act like it in their own way."

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