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I walk into detention with Scott and Stiles, apparently Scott is the person I bumped into this morning. He recognized my hoodie.

"Great, I'm glad you 3 are friends. That is just great for me."

We all sat next to each other and put our heads down waiting for it to be over.

1:30 Minutes later


I stand up

"OH Thank god it's over, let's go."

I don't even wait for anyone to answer before I'm out the door and headed to my baby.


I run into her arms and wrap her in a big hug.

"Wow, you're very happy."

"Yes I am."

Later That Night

We are all sitting in my car when we decided to play truth or dare.

"Bells, truth or dare?"

This was Stiles asking. He decided to call me Bells, Lydia calls me Ell or Ells and Scott calls me Ell or Ells also.


"What really happened to your eye?"

"Stiles, don't."

That was Lydia talking.

"No, it's okay. I"m ready."

Deep breath, deep breath, deep breath.

"After my mom died, my dad started hitting me and beating me. The more he drinks the worse it gets. In fact, my dad told me not to go home tonight and I had a panic attack at school and that's when I met Lydia. I'm also scared I'm gunna get what my mom had."

"What did she have?"

"*Sniff* She had Frontotemporal Dementia."

Then me and Stiles spoke at the same time.

"It's the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers."

"Mom or dad?"

I asked

"My mom also."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay, it's good to have someone who has the constant fear of getting it. Most people don't even know what it is."


Then my phone started ringing. I look at it and get instant fear.

"Ummm It's my dad."

"Don't answer." Lydia told me

"Do you want me to die?" I asked

"Just stay quiet, I'm gunna put it on speaker."


"Hey dad."



He hung up on me, that's not good.

"Umm can we go to my house real quick?"

All of them said yeah. We got buckled and headed to my house. Once we got there I told them to stay in my car, this certain time I parked out front. I got inside only to be hit over the head with what I think was a lamp.


Oh no, he has a gun. Where did he get that. I put my hand on the back of my head and it's wet, I'm bleeding...BADLY

OKAY.........4th chapter. YAY!!! I also wanted to tell you that I have certain issues when writing. I go between 1st person and 3rd person limited. I don't know why I do it but I do for some reason so I'm sorry if you have a problem with it or get confused. I don't exactly have control over it.

The Abused GirlWhere stories live. Discover now