"I Know Them"

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It has been a couple hours since we left the school. I think I know their secret, at least one of theirs. I just want to ask but I want to see if I can get more information or look more up, I guess I should also wait until they actually tell me so I don't say what I think it could be and them think I'm a nutjob. Right now we are at Stiles's house and I guess my house too now, it's still all weird. Either way, it's just Scott, Stiles and myself, Lydia had to go home. Her mom started worrying about it getting dark out, I guess she doesn't know that we could've stayed with her but I get it I guess. Noah is still at the station.

"Okay Bells, get ready."

"What should I wear?"

"You can wear one of my hoodies if you want then just put on some leggings or whatever they're called."

"Okay, thank you."

I grab his red hoodie and a pair of my leggings and went to the bathroom to change. I got dressed then got out. We got into Stiles's car and he started driving. After a while I realized that we were driving by all woods, no buildings.

"You aren't taking me somewhere to kill me right?"

They both looked at me. I'm in the backseat.

"I don't think that's necessary, do you Stiles?*Laugh*"

"*Laugh* I don't think so."

I didn't talk anymore. I feel like I know what their secret is but I'm going to keep my mouth shut. Just don't say anything at all and I should be good.

It's been like 10 minutes. We finally pull up to this burned down looking house.

"Okay Bells, let's go."

Stiles got out and helped me out. We walked in and I saw somebody that looked very familiar.

"Hey, I'm Derek."

Why do I feel like I know him?

"I'm Bella."

Then I hear something I turn around and see him.


"OH MY GOD, PETER?!?!?!??!?"

He pulled me into a hug.

"I though I heard you were here."

"Well you heard right, your scars are gone."

"Yeah, I-well you know."


Then Stiles spoke up.

"You know each other?"

"Yeah we do."


"He was close friends with my mom."

"What all do you know about him?"

Then it hits me. I actually know what their secret is.

"Are you guys and Lydia werewolves?"

They looked at each other then me, shocked.

"I'm not Bells. Scott is, there are more at school. Lydia is a Banshee and I'm just human. Allison is a hunter- well kinda. Her dad Chris Argent."

"Wait A second, who has been killing people recently?"

"We have no idea. It's something we haven't seen, it looks a little like someone we used to know, Jackson."

"Bella can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure Peter."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me outside and to my car..

"Where's your dad?"

"Oh well, long story short... He is probably in the police station and I live with Stiles and Noah now."

He sighed and looked at me with sad eyes.

"When did it start?"

"After you stopped coming around. *Looking Down* He started drinking and getting more mad and when he gets mad he starts abusing me soooo."

"I'm so sorry Bella."

"It's okay Peter."

"I can take over as your dad. *Laugh*"

"*Laugh* I'll be good but would you care if I put your name along with Noah's name on my emergency guardians list?"

"Of course. Who else is on there?"

"Stiles, Scott and Lydia are my emergency contacts. They are my only friends and I trust them."

"And obviously they trust you enough to tell you the secret."

"Yeah, let's go back in."

We went back in and saw them all standing quietly.

"We are back."

They just look at us until Derek speaks.


Everybody looks at him.

"That's what I use to call you. I remember meeting you, and your mom. She was nice, I'm sorry for your loss."

Don't cry Bella...Don't cry Bella

"I remember you too and it's okay. I've had time to get a little use to it. I use to call you Taffy."

Everybody laughed then Stiles spoke.

"Taffy, why that? *Laugh*"

"He used to love it. And by that I mean he never shared with anyone, not his parents or Peter."

"Yeah but he shared with you. I still can't believe he wouldn't let me have a banana one. *Laugh*"

"Well I call him sourwolf..."

Right at that moment Derek tried to grab him but he ran and hid behind me.

"Really Stiles?"

"Yes. Don't let him get me Bells."


Peter looked at me with question.

"He's the only one who calls me Bells. Scott and Lydia either call me Bella, Ell or Ells."

"I see."

Then Stiles got a text, he looked at me a little worried.

"What's wrong?"

"Your dad, he escaped somehow."

The next thing I know, I run out of the door. I grab my escape bag and start running before they could even get out. I'm not amazing at running, in fact I have asthma but I will run until I get away from my dad or die. Whichever comes first. I hear my phone buzzing. I know it's Stiles and I hear yelling in the distance, I know that Scott, Derek or Peter, h*ll maybe all 3 are running after me but I can't think about that. I left my baby. I have a plan though. I need to clear my head then I'll go back, get in my car and start driving. I can't let them get hurt because of me. I won't let it happen again.

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