"Don't Worry"

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Lydia comes in and me and Stiles pull apart from the hug. He stood up and helped me up.

"You girls do what you do, I'll be talking to Scott or something."

"Hey Stiles?"

"Yeah Bells?"

"Thank you. *Smile*"

He walks over to me and hugs me one more time. He then walked out and Lydia closes the door.

"You are okay with me helping you shower right?"

"Of course. I'd do the same for you."

"Love you Ell."

"Love you too Lyd."

"Okay Ella, let's do this..."

"Alright. Let's do this."

She helped me undress, she did too so she could help me stand without getting water everywhere. She turned the water on and helped me get in. I washed my body and my hair. At one point I almost collapsed.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, just got a little dizzy."

"Are you sure you're okay? I can get out and call Stiles in here."

"I don't want him to see me naked or in only a towel or-"

"You mean yet?"


"I see the way he looks at you and the way you look back. *Smile* When you ran, he called you with his phone and called me with Scotts asking me to go to this library on the edge of town to see if you'd show up."

He remembered me telling him about my first real day here?

"He doesn't like me."

"Do you like him?"

I can't stop the smile that appeared on my face.

"We couldn't be together."


"Well where do I start? I live with him, I share a room with him, his dad has a choice to kick me out if we did. I almost got him killed, basically more then once. Both times my dad had a gun and how would I make it work with everything that's going on."

"Okay okay. *Chuckle* You've really thought about it huh?"

"*Chuckle* Yeah."

"Fine but you both like each other and he's very protective over you."

"I know he's very protective of me."

"So... you know for a fact though right?"

"What? That you're a banchee?"

"Yeah, I guess that answers my question. *Laugh*"

"Yeah. *Laugh*"

"Are you good?"

"Yeah, I'm almost ready to get out. Sorry."

"Sorry? For what? You didn't do anything."

"I'm taking up your time and you've done a lot for me but I haven't really done anything for you and I-"

"This is what sisters do Ell, and stop saying sorry. You don't have anything to be sorry for."

"Okay so- thank you. *Laugh*"

"*Laugh* Take all the time you need."


After like 3 minutes she helped me out and we both dried off and got our clothes on. She brought 2 pairs of clothes so we could change into good, clean clothes.

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