"The Hospital"

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I'm still on the ground but the next thing I know I hear Stiles.


I gathered all the strength I could.



Then someone busts down the door. He has a gun, Sheriffs uniform. I think that's Stiles's dad.


Stiles runs over to me and makes me look at him.

"Keep looking at me Bells okay? Keep your eyes open as long as you can okay? Help is on the way."

"I'm so tired."

"No no no no no. DAD"

The man runs over, my guess is he already has my dad in handcuffs or he had his backup do it.

"Pick her up and get in her car, have Scott or Lydia drive, stay with her. She seems to-"

That's as long as I could stay awake. My eyes close.

I don't know how long later

Ow, my head hurts and my eyes feel so heavy. I hear people talking, I think it's Lydia, Stiles and Scott.

"Where will she go?"

That was Lydia.

"What did your dad say Stiles?"

That one was for sure Scott.

"He asked me if I'd be okay with her living with us, not like adopting her but being like roommates if that makes since."

"What did you say?" I croaked


"We'll be right back." Lydia dragged Scott out of the room. Stiles came and stood by me.

"Can I sit with you?"

I didn't answer I just moved aside giving him room to lay by me.

"H-How do you feel?"

"My head hurts." I started laughing.

"You should've run Stiles."

"Not without you. Do you want to live with me and my dad?"

"Only if it's okay with you, I don't want to cause to much trouble and you could've gotten seriously hurt and I just-"


Stiles grabbed my hand then grabbed my face and made me look him in the eyes.

"Just breath okay? Do it with me. In...Out...In...Out, good keep on going. In...Out."

My breathing finally calmed down.

"Thank you."

"It's okay, I get them too. More than I'd like to admit."

"I'm tired, did they say if I had a concussion?"

"My dad didn't tell me anything, you've only been here for a couple hours. Scotts mom works here so I'm guessing that's where he and Lydia went."

"Am I allowed to go back to sleep?"

"Yeah, I'll go sit back down."

He started to get up when I spoke

"You don't have too you can stay with me. All I need is sleep that my body isn't forced into and I wouldn't complain if I had someone by me, if anything happens wake me up, please?"

"Of course."

He layed back next to me and I fell asleep like my life depended on it.

3 Hours later

"Bells, wake up."

"No, I don't wanna get up."

"*Chuckle* But you have to, we are going to go back to my house and get the room set up."

Wait.... the room? As in single room? Like 1 room? What does that mean?

"No, I can't feel my legs."

"*Sigh* Okay then."

"Wait wha-"

Before I could finish he picked me up, I squealed.

"ACK Stiles!!!"

"You didn't get up, you ran out of time."

I didn't even argue He put me in his car, in the passenger seat, got in then looked at me.

"What's wrong Stiles?"

"How bad has it gotten?"


"How bad has the beating gotten? Has it been worse then that?"

"Yeah, it has. There have been worse times where I had to lie to people to keep them safe. that is also why whenever you tried to talk to me at school I did my best to steer away."

"You did that to keep me safe but before you even got to school he hit you?"

"Yes. Now I have a question."

"Okay, go ahead."

"Earlier you said "The room," what did you mean by that?"

"Well, we don't have an extra room and we don't want you sleeping on the couch. So until we clean a side of my room and get you a bed, you are sleeping in my bed and if you don't want to sleep in the same room I can sleep on the couch or-"

I cut him off.

"Stiles, we can sleep in the same bed, it's not like we're doing anything inappropriate."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I am but I also have one more question that you may not want to answer."


"You, Scott and Lydia have a secret and I know more people are in involved, what is it?"

"I want to tell you, I really do but I have to tell you with Scott and Lydia."

"Okay, I'll take it. I am going to school tomorrow right?"

"Maybe, if you stay home then so will I and I'll get Scott and Lydia to do it too"

Hmm, home. I haven't felt like anywhere was home since my mom died. Home, I hope I fit in here.

"Why? They don't have to."

"We all stick together, after everything we've been through."

"I can tell there is more than that but I'm not going to push it."

"Thank you Bells. Ready to go? We've been talking for like 20 minutes and it's almost midnight."

"Definitely, I'm still tired. *Laugh*"

He laughed too and then we started heading to his house.

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