'"We Won"

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We all herd into the locker room hollering and praising each other. We were all hugging each other, Everybody has been hugging Stiles and me separately so we haven't hugged each other yet me, Liam and Scott have. I just realized that I haven't said hi to Damon, Stefan, Caroline and Bonnie yet. Everyone is changing halfly but still surrounding Stiles so I take this as my chance. I get out of my gear and run to Noah first. He hugged me very tightly.

"Noah a-air."

He pulled away.

"Sorry, you helped him do it. Thank you."

"No need to thank me, but everyone is surrounding him for giving us the winning shot so it may take a bit before he gets out here."

"Okay, I'll go wait with Melissa."


As soon as he passes me, I see them and run. We all have a group hug.

"I missed you so much!"

Damon started talking.

"We missed you too but I almost killed everyone that got near you tonight."

"Oh my god stop being such an over protective brother, please."

"Not happening."

I scoff then hug Damon, Stefan, Bonnie then Caroline, separately and in that order. Then Caroline started talking.

"Who was that hottie that just hugged you? A little old for you don't you think?"

"EW-oh I mean ew. He's Stiles's dad."

"Oh. Oops."

"Yeah, oops."

"Okay well we need to talk, without you Bell so why don't you go talk to those two hotties over there."

"Fine but there's something you need to remember."


"A lot of my friends here are supernatural and if you hurt any of them, I will drive a stake through each of your hearts. Love you."

They were all left speechless. I turn around and walk to Liam and Scott. They both hug me and we congratulate each other then I see Lydia talking to the twins.

"What is she doing? Scott listen in."


He listens in and I can tell something is wrong

"They're asking about you. Bella I can tell she's really uncomfortable."

THAT'S ALL I NEED... I run over there and stand in front of Lydia, pretending I don't see the twins.

"I need your help."

"W-What happened?"

"This guy keeps trying to...grab me.... and I'm very uncomfortable."

Her facial expression changes and she immediately grabs my arm and starts dragging me to Scott. Once we get there, she gets out her phone and texts the groupchat.

Text Message
Thank you. I didn't tell them anything I swear.
End of Message

I don't answer just smile at her.

"Okay, so movie night tonight sound good?"

All of them said yeah. I look and see Damon and them all looking at me while talking. I shrug it off though.

"Scott have you seen your mom yet?"

"No, you know where she is?"

"Yeah, she's with Noah. They were waiting for you and Stiles."

"Uh oh. I'll go-uhh-yeah"


He walked away and me, Liam and Lydia started laughing. Lydia started talking.

"I have to go, I will bring a lot of snacks and drinks for tonight. That's still good right?"

"Absolutely, Liam you can still come right?"

"Yeah, my parents don't really pay attention to me that much, you know considering that I have anger issues and they always work out of town."

"I'm glad you can come."

"Me too, now who are those people staring at us?"

I look and see that Damon and them are still staring at us.

"Vampire friends, just ignore them and if they bug either one of you tell me. Also one is a witch."

"Good to know, but now I really gotta go. Bye girl."

"Bye Lyd."

She walked away and me and Liam continued talking. We talked for probably another 5 minutes until I'm being lifted in the air by a hug.


"I know Stiles."

He puts me down and hugs me again, I of course hug him back.

"You helped me do it, thank you."

"Wow, those are almost the exact same words your dad used. *Laugh*"

"Ohhh please don't compare me to my dad. *Laugh*"

"Fine, I won't. Hug?"

He engulfed me in another hug. Liam walked away and Damon and them walked towards us.

"Hey Bella."

"Hello Damon."

As soon as I said Damon, I felt Stiles tense again. Damon looks at Stiles then me, then he tries to walk towards him but I push him back a little.

"Back off Damon, Stefan get him under control."

I grab Stiles's arm and pull him along with me.

"I can take care of myself Bells."

"Yeah? So can I, but that has never stopped you."

"Wow, touche."

We walked to his jeep after saying bye to Scott and Liam. We started getting everything ready while we were waiting for people to come.

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