"The Police Station"

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We got to the station and went inside. Noah got called and came to us.

"What's going on?"

"Can I talk to my dad?"

"I guess but I have to be in there with you."

"Okay, let's go."

We started walking when Stiles grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side.

"You want me to come with you to talk to him?"

"Stiles, I'll be fine."

"You sure?"


I tried to walk to Noah but Stiles pulled me back.

"If he hurts you-"

"He won't, your dad will be there. I'll tell you how it goes."

Before he could answer, I walked to Noah.

"Let's go."


We went into the interrogation room. My dad looked at me confused, I sat across from him while Noah was by the door.

"What are you doing here?"

"I need to ask you a few questions."

"Fine, but only if I get to ask one myself."


"Okay, what about the storage locker?"

"H-How do you know about that?"

"I got a call today by a guy telling me that the storage locker my dad had got broken into. I asked if anything was missing but nothing was, at least that's what the guy thinks. I figured out where the call came from. What the h*ll were you doing in Mystic Falls?"

"I-I-I can't tell you- at least not while he is here."

He nodded towards Noah, Noah spoke.

"No, no way am I going to leave her with you. You could hurt her."

"I won't."

"Noah, please."

"He won't like it."

I know exactly who he's talking about.

"I'll be fine, please go."

"*Huff* Fine."

He walked out and my dad immediately started talking.



"Mystic Falls is the home to a lot of vampires, that's where your mom lived when we met. She had these two best friends, Bonnie and Caroline. Caroline got turned and Bonnie is a witch, once we met and I found out about everything, we stayed there. But once we found out she was pregnant with you, we left. We had a storage locker in my name that has some old myth books that could be useful to you. You should get them or at least see if any are missing."

"Okay, thank you. Now, what's your question?"

"Who's the kid that calls you Bells?"

"His name is Stiles, Noah's son."

"Noah being the guy that didn't want to leave and when he said "He won't like it" referring to this Stiles kid?"


"Are you dating?"

"No, why does everyone ask that?"

"It's not hard to see. You were ready to take his punishment and he tried to protect you from me."

"I think I'm done."

"Tell your little boyfriend that if he hurts you, I'll hurt him."

"You already tried to and you don't even know him so back the f*ck off."

Uh oh... I've never done that, I can tell that I definitely pushed a button because even though he is handcuffed to the table, he still jumped up and hit the table with both hands. But before he could grab me, the door swung open and Stiles pulled me behind him. Noah came in and pushed my dad back in his chair, I grabbed Stiles's arm and pulled him out. Before we got to everyone else, he pulled me to where no one could see us and looked at me with concern.

"Bells, are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine and no, he didn't hurt me. Can we just go back and and talk then maybe this weekend take a trip?"

"Yeah and trip?"

"I'll explain more later."

"Okay, you sure he didn't hurt you?"

"Yes I'm sure now let's go."

We went back and got into the car, we went back home and got huddled in mine and Stiles's room. I decided to tell them what I know, I'll need them with me when I go- that is if they let me go. I still can't drive yet.

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