"Another One"

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"Okay Bells, where do you want to go?"

"I have no idea. I think we should get burgers."

"D*mn, I love your taste in food."

"Thank you Stiles."

We all chatted on the way there. After we got our food, we went to a parking lot to eat when my phone buzzed. I looked at it and realized it was a text from Derek.

Text Message

Something happened Butterfly. They found another body and I overheard some people saying that they think you did it. Text me back when you get the chance and stay with Stiles at all times. Be careful please.

Thank you for telling me Taffy, please update me whenever you can. I will be careful and stay with Stiles. I love you bubs.

End of Message

"Bells, you okay?"

I didn't answer, I just handed him my phone and went back to eating.

"Okay, Scott call your mom and ask if we can stay at your house tonight."

"All of us?"

"Yes, Lydia your mom doesn't care right?"


"Okay, they found another body. We will not be leaving each others sides at all. See if Liam can come too, it will be a perfect time for Bells to meet him so they aren't strangers at school."

"Okay, sounds good."

"My head hurts."

"Do we need to get you checked out at the hospital?"

"I don't think so but I think I should definitely take it easy today."

"Do you want to get coffee before we go back?"

YES- I mean, yes please." *Laugh*"

Everyone laughs and we finish eating then go get coffee.''

4 Hours

We all have been hanging out, waiting for Liam to come over. He should be here any minute and I can't wait, by the way they talk about him, he seems like a good person.


He's here... Okay Bella, you can do this. Stiles went and opened the door and he came in. We got introduced and sat in the living-room talking.

"So Liam, favorite color?"

"Hmm I don't know, I do know my favorite food combo is burgers, fries, and Dr.Pepper."

"Oh my god I love you."

The Stiles came in and looked at me.

"*Pout* Bells, do you love me?"

"Of course I love you Stiles, I love you all."

"But me a little more then everyone else? *Laugh*"

"*Laugh* Where is Scott and Lydia?"

"I think they are ordering pizza."

At the sound of pizza I jumped over the couch and ran into the kitchen where they were and stopped.


"Yes, what do you want?"


"You got it."

"Thank you, love you Scott."

"Love you too, now go."

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