Swap day 2

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Dick Pov

Me and Babs were heading to the auditorium with everyone else. Since the headmaster had called an assumbly. When we got there we took a seat on the middle row and near an exit. Soon the headmaster quieted everyone down so we could hear him. When this happened he pulled up a power point.

"Good day students. Today our school and another have decided that we will be doing a two student program. But only one student from each year. So I will explain everything tell you which students will be going." And that's how it went. He started to talk and show us it was a top french school in Paris. And they will be the students swapped me and Babs for two of their students.

I sighed with a smiled happy for onc Babs was a grade above me. We left since the last bell of the day rang not long after. When it did we both got in the limo Alfred was driving. And mainly thinking about the trip. When we got to the Manor I went to talk to Bruce while Babs got a snack.

"Hey Bruce guess what I got picked for?" I said walking in seeing him working on some paper work wether it be WE or Batman was unknown to me. But when he heard me he looked at me.

"What is it Dick." He asked in his normal tone. But I could tell he was glad for the break firm the work before him.

"Me and Babs got picked the swap program with Paris school. Its said to be the best one in Paris." I said smiling he smiled as well. Clearly happy for me then it slipped away and I knew why. "And before you say anything I can use the Zeta tubes to get back if you need me. And Babs can do the same." He nodded before going back to work. I left and went to pack Babs did the same both of us wondering what it will be like.

Marinette POV

I stare up at Mr. Damocles as he made the exchange program known and who will be going. I sighed and discreetly looked around me. My former friends along with that liar weren't near me which was nice. But Adrien was much to my frustration. But looked at Mr. Damocles who was finally telling us who were going to be the two being swapped with Gotham Academy.

"And the two students going to represent us will be Lila Rossi and Adrien Agreste." I smiled knowing that some of my problems will be solved at least temperarly. "And before anyone protest it has been approved by their parents and that's all so you all can go home." I grabbed my bag and walked out of school.

I got home to see mama and papa working in the bakery. I greeted and hugged them. And told them how my day went minus the bullying since I didn't worry them over something as trivial as bullying.

"Oh sweetie before I forget there's a package in your room it came today." I thanked her before going upstairs. When I got upstairs there was a big box. There was a note on the box.


I got some rock and roll fabric with the help of Penny. I have been invited with a plus two to a Wayne Gala. I am bringing penny and you. You are my honorary niece so it just seems right to have you there. I may hoping you will make me and penny a suit and dress. Just tell me the price and I will pay it. And don't try to make it free since I would pay anyways.

Your awesome honarary uncle

Jagged Stone.

I smiled before opening the package to see different pinks and purples fabrics that are soft and perfect for making a dress. I smiled before texting him thanks. I got started on the design for the dress and their outfits as well. I soon go to bed satisfied with what I had come up with.

Next week

Dick Pov

I got off the plan and looked around. It seemed much happier and brighter here yet everyone showed little emotion. They so little it seemed if they showed or felt a lot of emotion something bad would happen. I turned to Babs who just joined me on my left side.

"This seems strange with how little emotion they are showing right?" She looked around and nodded in agreement. But then a girl around our age walked over with a smile that seemed a little fake.

 But then a girl around our age walked over with a smile that seemed a little fake

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"Hi my name is Marinette and I will be your two tour guide. Of the school you will be staying at and of Paris in its self." She said introducing herself and shaking our hands.

"Oh look Marinette is trying to close with the boy from Gotham Academy." A sickly sweet tone said behind Marinette. This seemed to annoy Marinette since her smiled tightened up just a little and anger briefly glared in her eyes. Before it disappeared completely.

"Hey new boy you should stay away from her! Shes a bully and a liar!" A another voice called out which seemed to hurt Marinette more. But Marinette showed it and turned around to look at the two girls behind her.

"Have a nice trip Lila and Alya none of that is true. Its the other way around now excuse me but I have some foreigners to show around and explain everything to them." She then grabbed our hands and pulled us out nad that was when I noticed that our luggage was on her arms as well.

"Sorry about that. That was Alya an inspiring reporter. And Lila one of the two being swapped with you two." She explained to us.

"Its alright but how do you deal with that. I saw how hurt you were by Alya words." I pointed out to her. She sighted before answering.

"It hurts because before Lila came to the school you two will be going to for a while I had tones of friends. But after she came they all turned their back on me for her." She shrugged it off but I could see the hurt behind her eyes. I glanced at Babs and saw she seen it two.

"How did she make your friends leave you so easily?" Babs asked in a soft tone.

"She comes up easily disproven lies. They make her same like she has the perfect world. But in all honesty I'm not sure. I mean the most recent lie she has been talking how she knows Richard Grayson and Bruce Wayne. And how she's going to stay there she and Adrien are swapped with you two. But I know that's not true." I fought the urge from disclaiming that. I heard Babs stiffle a laugh I glared at her which didn't seem to work.

"Hey you better calm down." Marinette in a calming tone. I turned to look at her wondering why. I must of been showing it since she gave a sad smile.

"The reason behind not a lot people here showing emotion is because if we did then Hawkmoth would take advantage of us in our weaken state. Making that person under his control do his biding. Causing our hero Ladybug to come and fight the person. She ends up putting back to normal and comforts the victim. She hasn't been able to figure out his identity making it so his rain of terror to never end." At that moment I knew I would do anything to help no matter what.

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