Stunt day 20

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Third POV

"Come on Mari you can do this." Dick encouraged little Marinette. He was teaching her how to fly like his family does on the trapeze. Of course this was behind Damian back since he was her legal guardian. But the little girl looked down scared seeing this Dick knew how to help calm her.

"Hey look at me." When she did he smiled. It was reassuring unlike his usual playful one. "I won't let anything happen to you." The girl nodded before she started to swing and do the moves Dick taught her on the ground. Seeing this Dick watched amazed on how talented she was.

She was doing everything perfectly until Damian came in. Which shocked her while she was in mid air. Seeing this I darted to her and caught her. But when I turned around a livid Damian. And I didn't want to think what her real father would do to me if he found out what just happened. So with me knowing the stunt I just pulled went to Damian. And he said one sentence that started a fight between us.

"I told you not to teach her the trapeze or gymnastics Grayson." I took a deep breath and started to defend myself. Which with Damian is hard to do since he would always point out every little flaw. But I didn't care this stunt I pulled was something Marinette enjoyed doing and I wasn't going to stop.

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