Illusion day 25

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Third POV

Dick and Marinette were walking along forest path in the very large estate of Wayne Manor. They were enjoying much needed alone time. When they came across a cave that led to an undiscovered cavern from what they can tell. Being the curious couple they are they went down there without telling anyone.

While down there they came across many amazing things. It was breath taking almost everywhere they looked and found. But they soon came to a weak part of the cavern. It didn't calapse on them but rather the floor gave out. They fell on to their own slides.

While in them they passed each other a few times. Before finally coming to a stop dizzy and disoriented. Of course while in this state Dick somehow stumbles and falls into a pit of mystery sustains. When he comes out there are multiple ones. Along with a flash of light. Seeing this shocks Marinette what even shocks her more is that they start to sing. She joined but not by her choice. She felt as if a force was forcing her to sing.

While singing she is able to find out which one is the real Dick. Thai isn't easy since almost all of them act the same. The only difference was that Dick never sang at the same time as them. It was hard to tell with it echoing in the tavern and there being multiple voices happening at once. She had to focus on their mouths to find this out.

Once she found the real one she started to try and figure out how to get rid of the fake Dick's. Dick couldn't help since he couldn't stoping singing until the duplicates do and they weren't stopping anytime soon. Along with them keeping than apart. While thinking she tripped one on accident. It feel into the liquid and he turned into a light returning to Dick. That's when it hit her.

They were illusions of Dick. They would return to him once they fell into the water. So that's what she did. She tripped every single one of them into the liquid. Once she got the last one returned to Dick he hugged her in thanks. Then not long after thanks to the multiple voices they were found.

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