Justice day 5

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Third POV

Dick sniffled looking at my parents portrait. But then Dick heard a nock. He walked out of Bruce's study and to front door where the knock came from. When he get there he saw women talking to Bruce with a little girl. Who had midnight blue hair and Bluebell eyes she seemed to be around the age of three. The women walked over to her and hugged her before leaving.

"Hey Bruce who's this?" Dick asked walking over. The girl looked at him and got better look at her eyes. The huge orbs with a lot of deep. There are a few different shades of blues but the main and dominant one is bluebell and the colors would shift ever so slightly making her eyes almost hypnotic.

"This is my daughter Marinette Martha Wayne. That was her mother who dropped her off. I will be taking care of her for now on unless something comes up." Dick nodded in understanding and looked at little Marinette.

"Hi I'm Richard but you can-"

"Richie?" She cut me off trying to say my name. He smiled at her and laughed while picking her up.

"Yeah my name is Richie. Come Marinette let's go play."  She giggled while nodding her head. They went to Dick's room with her and played with her.

Two years later

"Dick, Marinette this is Jason. He's apart of our family now." Bruce announced with a boy standing shyly beside him. Marinette who is now six walks over with a smile and hug the boy. The boy tensed before hugging her back.

"Hi Jay jay I'm Marinette do you want to play?" Jason smiled at her before agreeing to play. They had a lot of fun. Jason taught Marinette all he knew about mechanical stuff along with how to aim and always hit the target. While Dick who started when she was four continued to teach her how to do gymnastics and the trapeze. Along with all he knew about technology with his first language Romaina. She was able to master all of it. Then the two boys teaching her hand to hand combat.

Four years later

"Dick, Marinette and Jason this is Timothy." Marinette ten now ran over to the boy who looked to be twelve.

"Oh I'm Marinette what do you like to do for fun Timmy?" Tim who had introduced himself to Dick and Jason laughed before answering Marinette.

"I like to tinker and hack. If you want I can show you." She agreed eagerly excited to bond with her new brother. Tim was able to make Marinette a better hacker than him. Get her to differently with every challenge. And very much improved her detective skills along with showing her how to read people and the area around her much better. He also showed her how to use a bow staff. But then came a sad day for them.

"Marinette your mother wants you to.live with her in France for a few years. But you're I'll be able to visit us on holidays don't worry. I love you so much." Bruce said hugging her. Marinette hugged backed with tears in her eyes.

"Don't forget me and keep in contact please." Was all she asked her family. They agreed and watched as she boarded her flight. But after that they didn't keep in touch and her family grew apart. Only Alfred who she saw as a grandfather informed her how things were going.

Eight years later

Finally freed Paris from the clutches of Hawkmoth still while giving him the Justice he deserved. With that in mind she collected the black cat miraculous from Adrien, dragon from Kagami and wished them luck with their relationship. Then the bee from Chloe, Fox from Nathaniel and giving them encouragement with their relationship. Then she turned to Luka with a smile.

"Snake let's go fix my messed up family." She said combining the Ladybug Miraculous and the horse Miraculous. Taking Luka hand they stepped into the portal coming to the front door of Wayne Manor. They detransformed before knocking. Alfred answered the door and gave Marinette a very sencer hug.

"Grandpa Alfie can you call a family meeting in the living room? And tell them that if they don't show up they will be dragged there by their ear." Alfred chuckled and agreed. Marinette led Luka to the living room and took a deep breath.

"Are ready for this Melody?" Luka asked her. Marinette looked him in the eye and nodded.

"Yeah I am Snake. I want to know why they abandoned me. Want justice for all of the false hope they gave me and for not supporting me. And most of all when this is all over I want justice for what that liar did to me." He nodded and took my hand. Just then my family came in and sat down on the couch. They haven't noticed Luka and Marinette since they were standing behind the door in the shadows.

"Why did Alfred call a family meeting?" Dick asked wondering what it could be and wether it was good or not.

"Because I asked him to." Marinette said with her and Luka coming out of the shadows. Shocking everyone there but making guilt come crashing down on Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim. Marinette glared at them while Babs, Steph, Cass and Damian looked confused.

"I called it because I want to know why my family and most of all my father abandoned me when they promised to stay in contact." She said the word father with venom. Confusing everyone and most of all Damian except for Bruce who looked even more ashamed, Dick, Jason and Tim.

"And if it's about you being Batman and everyone here being apart of the batfam that doesn't matter. I want a different reason." That caught everyone off guard. But after a lot of fighting and yelling they were able to make up. While in the process threatening Luka if he hurt Marinette they all would go after him. Damian was happy to have a sister while the girls were happy another girl lived in the house and that she could scare all the boys. Lila got the justice she deserved for all she did to Marinette and lying about celebrities. Marinette smiled that justice was getting served to those who deserved it at last.

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