Talons day 11

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Dick Pov

I sighed walking through the headquarters of the former court of owls. They had been defeated a few days ago and Damian had left for the place Bruce told him about. I walked through the halls. The Talon surprisingly survived the wound he inflicted on himself. Bruce was interigating him right now while I looked through each door.

But then I came to a door that had a staircase going downstairs. I went down it and came to an iron door bolted shut. But there was a keypad that showed to be the way to get the door open. I hacked it making the door open. When I walked in and gasped at what I saw.

There was a young girl in a tank with a breathing mask on. I walked over and hacked the computer. I found out that she was genetically made. She had genes from each Talon purposely chosen. She would be the ultimate Talon when she was finished being programed and trained. I looked up at her. She couldn't be more then eight years old. Yet here she is in a tank put to sleep by a seditive and getting programed to kill people. She was connected to tubes so they could keep her healthy and stable.

I looked into the computer and found out the programing part doesn't start until she is ten years old and she was officially made on July 24, 2003 making her eight right now since it is 2011. I gritted my teeth before deciding on what to do. I broke the tank open pulling her out and disconnecting all of the tubes and the breathing mask from her. I would plan to raise her as my own.

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