Figurines day 12

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Dick Pov

"They have to go Dick." I looked at my girlfriend in horror. She wanted me to get rid of my family and her with her team figurines.

"But Midnight they are my way not forgetting what we all wore for our persona at one point or another." She rolled her eyes at me looking unimpressed. I poured but gave her my puppy dog eyes.

Marinette POV

I looked at Dick. He was pouring while giving me his puppy dog eyes. I felt myself weivering while staring into his eyes. I took a deep breath and stood my ground.

"I am not going to fell for that Dick. Your figurines must go. There isn't room for them." I said crossing my arms glaring at him. He pouyed some more losing his puppy dog eyes. And started to pack his figurines away. I sighed and walked out of the room.

Dick Pov

When Marinette walked out of the room I quickly packed them up. Then I ran to the nearest Zeta tube. She never said where they would go once I got rid of them. So I am simply going to store them in my room at the Manor. They will be safe there and I won't have to get rid of them.

That way it's a win win. And I will also get to see lil d. Which is always interesting with how he grew up.

Sorry for the short story. I couldn't figure out a good storyline for this one. But I hoped you enjoyed it.

- Honah-Lee

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