Memories day 24

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Dick POV

"Hey little phoenix remember the day you got hit with that energy that you your powers?" I asked my little sister while she was over for dinner. She smiled at me. While holding her boyfriend hand Roy Harper.

"How could I forget Richie? They always knew how to have a good time with us while teaching us important lessons. And Tati was a sucker for my doll eyes." I groaned at her nickname for me. Making Tim and Jason snicker. I playfully glared at them which got Marinette to laugh at me.

"Please stop calling me that phoenix." I asked sweetly with my puppy eyes on full display. I took notice everyone watching us and see Marinette reaction.

"Why? Don't you want your little sister to give a unique nickname?" She said with big innocent doll eyes., I tried to look away but I didn't turn my head in time. I fell right into her trap.

"Ok alright fine you can call me Richie! Anyways let's tell them the memory already since I know they are curious." She smirked before she turned and started to tell them the memory


"Mami! Tati! Richie mare se leagănă singur pe gratii! (mommy!daddy! Richie is swinging on the bars by himself again!) A little girl with midnight hair and Bluebell eyes yelled to her parents. Causing her parents to laugh at her.

"Ei bine, micul meu fenix ar trebui să facem ceva în legătură cu asta, nu-i așa? (Well my little phenix we should do something about that shouldn't we?)" The dad said picking her up and leaning hair forehead against hers. The little girl giggled and nodded her head. The mom smiled at the scene before picking the girl up from her father arms and walking towards the big tent.

"Haide, mai bine nu-l ținem să aștepte. Căci cine știe ce se va întâmpla când familia zburătoare Grayson se leagă împreună. (Come on we better not keep him waiting. For who knows what will happens when the flying Grayson family swings together.)" The little girl wiggled her way out of her mother's embrace and ran into the tent excited to swing on the bars with her whole family.

(They use a net to practice and imagine instead of three adults there are two adults and two children)

One hour later

"Mami m-ai vazut? Alunec prin aer ca un Phoenix ca tine și mă cheamă tati. (Mommy did you see me? I gliding through the air like a phoenix like you and daddy call me.)" The girl said jumping up and down in her seat. Her big brother laughed at her hypierness.

"Micul fenix se liniștește sau nu vei fi abk să faci spectacole mâine seară, deoarece vei fi prea obosit. (Little phenix calm down or you wont be abke to perform tomorrow night since you will be too tired.)" The little girl nodded and calmed down. But she kept fidgeting making her family laugh. Making the little girl pout but then she perked up and looked at her dad with doll eyes.

"Hei tati, ne putem juca să ne ascundem și să căutăm pe câmpul de peste drum, ca familie, te rog? (Hey daddy can we play hide and go seek in the field across the road as a family please?) The dad weivered for a second before answering with a smile.

"Desigur mic Phoenix. (Of course little phoenix.)" The little girl jumped up in excitement. Then ran out with her brother running after her while laughing the parents following their kids and chuckling as well. They played for hours having a good time. Richie started a tickle fight making Marinette giggled uncontrollably. But then something that scared them was when Richie was chasing Marinette and out of nowhere Marinette got blasted with a dark energy of sorts. Not long after she was taken capture by the court of owls.

Richie is Dick

If you haven't read my Damianette one shots then you won't get the connection. But this is what Marinette and Dick life was like before she was taken.

- Honah-Lee

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