Flowers day 19

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Third POV

A little boy was playing with his uncle dog when he heard his dad calling him. So he did the right thing like most kids his age would do. He hid in the flowers near by.

Dick Pov

Daniel was playing with Titus meaning he was outside. I went to get him since me and Marinette have some exciting news for him. But when I called for him and Titus only Titus came. I called for him again but he didn't come. I sighed thinking he got lost in the Wayne estate.

I went inside and saw the family in the kitchen simply chatting with each as Marinette backed some sweets. I sighed before going to them. I didn't want to face Marinette rath but I knew I would need help finding him.

"Dick did you get Daniel?" I gulped when she looked at me. I knew she would figure it out and get over protective mom going. But I didn't want to tell her since everyone knew the power she held and what could happen when she is angry.

"N-no I d-didn't." I said before ducking behind Bruce. I heard her trying to control breathing and then heard her set the kitchen utensils down.

Marinette POV

"Alfred can you please finish baking for me. I have finished mixing and doing all of the preparation it just need to set for three minutes then put into the oven for an hour then glazed thirty seconds after coming out." I said trying to control my motherly instincts.

"Of course Miss Marinette. And may I suggest when looking for young master Daniel check the flowers." I nodded before going to Dick grabbing his ear and twisting it. Then pulling him out yelling in pain but stumbled after me.

We searched for. Awhile then we finally found him. He was asleep in the Sunflowers. I took a picture then had Dick to him to his room so he could get some proper rest. I looked around at the flowers. I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath smelling the flower fragrance and smiled before going inside feeling much more calmed.

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