Carousel day 16

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Marinette POV

I was walking with my wonderful husband when we came upon a carousel. I smiled. At seeing a Carousel since there aren't many around this city. We are walking around Central City in remembrance of Dick's best friend Wally West. But then the wether started to change for the worse. The temperature started to drop fast when we looked around we saw Captain cold. He was trying to freeze Central City!

Dick heroic side came out and ran to the nearest cover with me coming along since he was holding my hand. And it turns out it was the Carousel that we saw earlier. And before we could turn around Captain cold blasted it. Causing a dome to form around the us. I started to shiver from the cold and get sleepy.

Seeing this Dick gave me his jacket and started to snuggle with me. I didn't feel as sleepy which was nice but I knew this wasn't going to last long. I silently cursed the side affects of the miraculous since I wouldn't need extra warmth if it wasn't for them.

"Its okay Blueberry we'll get out soon. We just need to wait for the flash to defeat Captain cold then he will come help us." I nodded burrowing my hard deeper. He seemed to understand that he started to rub his arms back and forth creating heat from the friction. I shivered some more but it helped.

Third POV

They ended up staying trapped for two hours. So by the time they were freed Marinette was on the verge of falling asleep and not waking up. So when. They got out Dick took them to the beach and snuggled with her in the warmth of the sun. They stayed like that for the day enjoying each other warmth.

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