Pet day 17

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Dick Pov

"Grayson you have been chosen for the detective dog unit. Please report to the conference room then your new commanding officer. Who is the expert with working a dog." I nodded and got up to go to the conference room. When I got there I saw a big crate full of German Shepherd puppies. I cooked at them but then the door opened. I turned and saw it was my new commanding officer.

"You must be Dick Grayson nice to meet you. My name is Marinette Dupein-Cheng." She said sticking her hand out. I took it surprised at who my commanding officer is. But then I found myself on the ground still holding her hand.

"That's a warning. Treat me like a weakling or anything like that you'll get worse and kicked off of the detective dog unit. Your dog taken away got it?" I nodded shocked seeing this she pulled me up with a small smile.

"Sorry I learned the hard way that I need to show my authority here at Bludhaven." I smiled and let go of her hand.

"Its alright I understand I had to do the same thing. But I bet its worse for you seeing as your a girl. But enough about that how do I chose my dog. That is will most likely train?" She smiled and walked over to the crate. That's when I noticed that there was a small fence around the crate. She turned around and I got the message. I hurried over and stood beside her.

"Now I am going to open the crate the puppies are going to come out. I want you to close your eyes and follow your gut feeling. Because a cop good from my understanding should be able to find their perfect furry partner without looking. Its how I did it with my dog who got wounded in a raid. But will be up and moving soon. I have never found a more loyal since." I nodded and closed my eyes. I heard her open the crate and felt the puppies moving around. I raised my hand and felt several licked it. But none of them felt right like what she said.

I reached out farther with my other hand. I then felt it brush against something. It was soft and fluffy that's when it clicked. It was one of the puppies but there was something different. It wasn't licking or walking around me like the others. It was right across from me. And from what I could tell guess with my eyes closed staring at me.

I smiled and started to pet the puppy. I then open my eyes to look at me new pet and partner.

 I then open my eyes to look at me new pet and partner

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