Sparkle/Moonlight day 10

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Third POV

Marinette was walking alone at Pelican Cove. She needed time away from the madness called her life. The water sparkles with the reflection of the stars and moonlight glow. It was relaxing to her. And one vigilante saw this. He was visiting Gotham for the night and decided to take a trip down memory lane.

But stopped when he saw a girl walking by herself at Pelican Cove. To make sure she wouldn't get mugged or anything he followed her. He watched as she just walked back and forth. But the a van pulled up and stopped. The girl seeing this turned around and for the first time Nightwing got a good look at her.

 The girl seeing this turned around and for the first time Nightwing got a good look at her

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He looked and saw it was a Joker henchman. He walked over to her but stopped a few feet away. He got closer to listen in on what was being said.

"Ma'am your father would like for you to come home now." The girl sighed and looked at the henchman then at the ocean before replying.

"What if I don't want to go home now. I'm not ready to deal with my crazy father and mother. I just need this time to get my bearings." The henchmen sighed before going to her and grabbing her arm tightly.

"I'm sorry ma'am but he wants you home now. Nad you are coming home. He is mad that you snuck out without telling him. To lessen the punishment you must come home now." She tried to rip her arm out. The moonlight showing her face perfectly.

 The moonlight showing her face perfectly

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"No! He can't control me my whole life." She said still resisting. The henchmen was now dragging her to the van. The sparkle in her eyes he had noticed earlier was now gone. And the moonlight wasn't the soft glow anymore it was a harsh ray of light. He couldn't just stand there and watched so he jumped down and landed on the henchmen. Affectively knocking him out while getting him to let go of the girl.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked watching as the moonlight became soft a again and made her look like an angel. She smiled at him which seemed to glow with the moonlight.

"I am now thanks Nightwing." She gave him a hug before running off. To lay low for a few days from her father. While Nightwing stood there dazed staring at the ocean that sparkles from the moonlight and stars.

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