Time day 23

412 15 0

No miraculous

Third POV

Dick and Marinette were walking along the beach when a portal opened right under them. Before they could do anything they fell in. The portal kept showing them images but they were moving too fast for them to know what they were. When they hit solid ground they looked around before at themselves.

 When they hit solid ground they looked around before at themselves

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They looked at each other shocked

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They looked at each other shocked. But before they could utter a word they heard someone coming. They hid and watched to see who is coming. When they appeared they were confused. It was a women who looked very stern and dressed like them but different. She smirked before walking over.

"I pulled you two back in time. Here you will work on uniting two kingdoms. If you seccessed then I will return you to your time but if not your stuck in this time period forever." She said to them before disappearing.

Marinette POV

I huffed in annoyance. What she wanted us to do was a lot but I had the suspension that we would be able to do it. I looked around and saw something that made me scowl. There was a notice for a high tax and decree for all men to go to the front lines. It looked old but the order for the men said it wouldn't stop until the war was won.

I looked at Dick and saw he noticed the decree as well I then got an idea. But Dick pulled me into the bushes and we watched as a group of knights along with of men walking on foot come by and pass us. The men on foot ranged from sixteen to early forties. I felt my anger grow at that. But I kept quiet until they passed and couldn't see them anymore.

Dick Pov

After the men disappeared from view Marinette turned to me. She had a determined look. Which meant she had a plan and her plans are amazing to be honest. So I was eager to see what she came up with.

"Okay listen Dick from what I saw the taxes haven't been lowered at all. Meaning this kingdom is in poverty get their fighting a war. So what if we become vigilantes? We would spy on the royals while helping the poor. And then do the same with the other kingdom. So by the time we finished doing that we will know how to help the two kingdoms." I knew it was the simplified version but I liked it.

We then snuck to a town that was apparently near by. There Marinette ran into the town and got fabric, thread, shoes and a bow and arrow for her. We then ran into the woods and when it neared night fall we found a cave. We made camp there. Marinette made our uniforms for our vigilante work we will be doing.

 Marinette made our uniforms for our vigilante work we will be doing

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Then I went and got us food

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Then I went and got us food. I had gotten us fish. She cooked it on a stick then we ate picking out the bones as we went. Then snuggled up and fell asleep unsure how this will work out for us. I sighed hoping this worked since this was our only chance at getting back to our time.

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