Thumbs/Smiles day 6

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Marinette POV

I looked around at my studio. I had just finished packing and throwing away the boxes away. And it didn't look half bad.

I sighed and thought about everything

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I sighed and thought about everything. I was only living here since life in Paris became so toxic. And I could only afford this place because of my income from being MDC and Nettie. Plus Uncle Jagged was a big help. Be encouraged me and everything.

And since Hawkmoth was defeated there was nothing holding me there. Chloe was nice to me but we weren't friends. Luka was like a brother for me and Kagami was a sister as wall. I sighed and went to the window and look out to the streets and skyline of Bludhaven.

It was quiet which for its reputation and the neighboring city was a special occasion. I turned away and sat at my desk and started on a commission and new song. Soon I grew tires and went to bed wondering what tomorrow held for me.

Dick Pov

I walked up the flights of my apartment building and got to my apartment door. But stopped from going in with my hand on the door knob. I looked and saw that there were crushes boxes by the apartment door across from mine.

I was surprised to see that it wasn't vacant anymore. It has been like that for so long. Ever since Mr. BeanGreen passed away. I shook my head and heading in wondering who lived there know. I sat on my small couch and sighed looking around.

Living alone is way different from the way my life was in the Manor

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Living alone is way different from the way my life was in the Manor. But I did this since I needed space from Bruce. I got up and went to my dining table and hacked into the apartment manager computer and found out who lived across from me. Her name was Marinette Stone. So she was the secret Stone my mouth twitched into a smile.

I then continued to search for her on the internet. I ended up finding a photo of her.

I rubbed my thumb on my computer screen right next to where her head was

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I rubbed my thumb on my computer screen right next to where her head was. I smiled at her she seemed to know where she wants to go in life. But her body language and facial expressions says she hasn't had the easiest life. I couldn't wait to meet her. But looking at the time seeing it was time for patrol o got changed in my Nightwing uniform and went out for a three and a half hour patrol. When I got back I changed and went to bed.

Next day

Marinette POV

I woke up and got ready for the day. I had a few things to do today. I also would like to meet my new neighbors. I looked at myself in the mirror.

Happy with how I look I grabbed my phone, purse and keys

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Happy with how I look I grabbed my phone, purse and keys. I was walking to my apartment door when my phone rang. I looked and saw it was Chloe. Accepting the call I put it up to my ear.

"Hey Chloe something you need?" I asked closing my door.

"Where are you? Today was the first day of school." I smiled at that but frowned really quickly.

"I graduated early last year and moved out a few days ago. I moved to the states." I heard her huff and mutter reducukas utterly reducukas. I smiled at that she never would drop that phrase no matter how much she changed.

"And you left em here all alone with these imbeciles." I giggled at her nickname for our class. But knew she would be in class soon.

"I should let you go. You need to get to class." She groaned before hanging up. I smiled and thumbed through my contacts. But stopped when I heard a door open. I looked up and saw it was the apartment door across from mine. The was thumbing through his phone.

I smiled and walked over to him. He seemed to have noticed since his thumb was hovering hover his phone. He looked up and smiled at me.

"Hi I'm Marinette your new neighbor nice to meet you." I said sticking my hand out. He shook it as well.

"Hi I'm Richard but please call me Dick."

Third POV

Did they or anyone know that was the start of their relationship.

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