Slippers day 13

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"RICHARD JOHN GRAYSON-WAYNE! I gulped hearing my girlfriend scream my name from our bed room. She stormed out and her normal blue eyes that show emotion but brutal honesty were now replace with very angry, livid blue flames. I gulped and gave a her nervous smile.

"Yes Lemon drop?" I asked worried where this was going. But before she could get a word out there was a knock at the door. I beelines it there hoping whoever was at the door would be able to help me. I opened it to see my little sister Marinette. I sighed in relief before letting her in.

"Mari what brings you here?" I asked trying to get my silently fuming girlfriend mind off of whatever has gotten her so mad.

"Well I wanted to tell you I have a boyfriend." I knew my mouth was hanging open when she said that. Then I heard some squealing. I turned and was internally jumping for joy. It had worked! Chloe was now wrapped up with Marinette my little sister to care about whatever happened. But to make sure whatever happened never happened again I walked to our room and saw what got her so mad.

Ace my dog who helped me as a detective dog and a home pet. Was chewing on her slippers. I looked closer and paled. They were the slippers her mother gave to her before she past away. They were customly designed by her mother except for a few tweaks Marinette did. I was in for it no matter what. There was no way I could replace them since they were one of a kind.

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