dust day 27

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Martha Wayne POV

I hummed as me and Thomas walked along the streets of Italy. We were here on our honeymoon wanting to get away from the states for awhile. It was a beautiful place. Nothing really like it at all.

As we were walking through the merchants a necklace caught my attention.

As we were walking through the merchants a necklace caught my attention

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It was simple but I felt drawn to it. As if the girl in it was calling my name to help her. I couldn't explain it. But I got it hoping one day I would understand why. But I never truly found out and it started to collect dust.

Many years later

Bruce POV

I was going through my mother's thing when I came across a necklace. When I was a child I would always see her staring at it wondering why she couldn't look away. But before I could ever ask about it she was killed by that mugger.

"Hey Bruce what you got there?" I looked and saw it was Dick. I then looked at the necklace which had been collecting dust for years now.

"It was my mother necklace. She got it from a women of the last name Rossi. But never found out why she was drawn to it. So it has been collecting dust." He came over and looked at it.

Dick Pov

I picked up the necklace in wonder. It was pretty. I rubbed it and felt a crack in the back. It was protruding out as if something was trying to get out. I kept rubbing my thumb over it. But then something caught on to my thumb. I pulled it away to see a string of pink light. It looked as if something was clinging to my thumb with this dust like magic string.

I kept pulling my thumb away when finally there was a bright flash of light. When it was gone there stood a girl around eighteen. She looked around disoriented before sighing in relief. But then a light enveloped her and I watched as her suit disappeared.

"Where am I?" She asked her accent she had was thick and with how it sounded she was france

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"Where am I?" She asked her accent she had was thick and with how it sounded she was france.

"Your in Wayne Manor. You've been in a necklace that has been collecting dust for several years now." Bruce supplied she looked at me, Bruce and Alfred.

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