Ring day 9

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Dick Pov

"So dickie bird when are you going to pop the question on pixie pops?" Jason asked me. I sighed and brought out the velvet box holding the ring I plan to give if Marinette excepted my proposal. I looked out onto the water. Bruce thought it would be a good family bonding trip to go on a cruise with no one but family.

But I wish Marinette was here it would be the perfect time to propose. I opened the box and looked at the ring. I really hope she likes it. Jason walked of fluttering about getting some food as Dick stared at the ring lost in thought.

Third POV

Dick is so deep in his thoughts he doesn't notice Steph walking up behind him. She sees the ring and gets excited and squeals. Startling Dick causing him to accidently let go of the ring to get in a fighting stance. Realizing his mistake he pales turns around almost as fast as the flash.

"NO!" Dick tries to grab the ring from leaning over the edge but can't reach it. He watches it sink while trying to get to it. But closes his eyes sink to the deck devastated. Steph realizing what she just caused walked over and comforts Dick.

"Hey don't worry Dick I bet there is a way to get it back. Or at least get another one." She said with her hand on his shoulder.

"You don't get it Steph that was my mami's. My tati made that from newly mined silver and diamond. There's not one other like it." The guilt Steph felt is amplified by finding that out.

Steph POV

"I'll be right back Dick." I then ran off and pulled out my phone. Bruce's only family rule can go over deck for all I cared. Dick ring was a family heirloom and the one he was going to use to propose to Marinette. I scroll through my contacts and found just the one I needed. I tapped it and put my phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I smiled happy that she picked up right away.

"Hey Z do you have a summoning spell or something that can get a piece of jewelry out of the ocean?" I heard silence for a while then some shuffling. I waited a little more getting impatient but knew for the her to find what I am looking for I needed to be patient.

"Got it. Yeah I have a spell that makes it so we can locate it. Then another spell that turns our legs into a fishtail. Like the Little Mermaid tails." I would of squeal out of excitement for the mermaid part if it wasn't for the situation I got myself in.

"Alright perfect. Can you get a portal open it where I am so we can get this piece of jewelry out of the ocean?" She laughed before saying she will be there momentarily. I sighed and hung up hoping that this problem with be resolved real soon.  A portal opened and Zatana stepped through with a smile.

"What do you need help with?" I did a guilty small smile while rubbing the back of my hand. Along with a nervous chuckle. She frowned and raised one eyebrow hands on hip.

"What did you do?* I sighed before answering her.

"I may of scred a deep into thought Dick with he ring he was going to sue to propose to Marinette with casing him to drop it in the ocean along with it being a family heirloom." I watched her to see what she would do.

"So you surprised Dick causing him to drop the engagement e that was also a family heirloom?" I nodded nervous. She sighed while closing her eyes before opening them with a smile.

"Get Dick then I do the tail spell. Then I need to tell him him something after that I need to grab something." I nodded and ran to Dick dragged him over. Zatanna whispered something in his ear to make him smile before pulling away and doing the spell. I looked at me and Dick.

 I looked at me and Dick

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She then went into a portal after me and Dick started looking for the ring

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She then went into a portal after me and Dick started looking for the ring. We found it laying on the sand floor after a lot of searching. I am actually impressed we found it so quickly.

Then a portal opened Zatanna swam through with. Blind folded Marinette. Duck getting the idea shot her a thankful smile. Zatanna then took the blind fold off of Marinette.

 Zatanna then took the blind fold off of Marinette

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Marinette POV

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Marinette POV

I blinked after Zatanna took the blind fold off. I gasped looking around the beautiful coral and see life around me.

"Marinette?" I turned to see Dick as a merman before me with a ring

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"Marinette?" I turned to see Dick as a merman before me with a ring. I gasped again not sure what to do. But as soon as he asked I said yes to marrying him.

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