chapter 5 part 2 of 3

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Ruby took one look at the class and burst into tears. She ran out of the room, and Charlie was quick to follow her. Chaos erupted in the classroom, and everyone turned to face Darcy.

“Look what you did!”

“Why are you always ruining everything?’

“Don’t you know how to be nice?”

“You are so annoying Darcy! Can’t you ever do anything right?

Darcy was shocked and upset at how quick the class was to turn against her. But she would never give them the satisfaction of knowing that their comments hurt her.

“Alright everyone!” Mrs. Marigold had to yell to get everyone’s attention. “Leave Darcy alone. We have a problem here. I need to find Ruby and make sure she is okay, but I cannot leave you guys here. We need to think right now of the best thing to do.”

“We don’t have to worry about her,” Billy said. “Charlie is with her and he has known her longer than any of us. He will take care of her.”

Mrs. Marigold thought for a minute. “You are right. Okay everyone, sit in your seats and I want you to pull out a piece of paper. Pretend you are writing a letter to Ruby to comfort her. It must be at least a page long. You guys all get started while I step out for a minute. Darcy, please follow me.”

While the class got to work slowly, Charlie was still chasing Ruby. Just as he was starting to get tired, Ruby stopped and threw herself onto the grass. Her sobs continued though, and Charlie tried to talk to her through her tears. “Oh Ruby. Don’t cry please. You shouldn’t let what Darcy says upset you.”

Ruby sat up and looked at Charlie. “You don’t understand! They are all going to hate me now! Now I can never go back to the school or see any of them again!”

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