chapter 1 part 5 of 5

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Ruby opened her eyes slowly. The white walls overwhelmed her, and she quickly sat up. She knew right away where she was, at the hospital, and sitting on a chair nearby was Charlie. 

“Ruby!” he cried, and broke into a smile. “Thank god you are awake!”

Ruby smiled sleepily and looked up as the door opened. A nurse walked in and said, “Oh you are awake. I was starting to get worried. Mrs. Marigold would like to speak with you.” the nurse made way for her to enter. 

“Ruby! Thank god! The doctor took x-rays and your finger is broken. He gave you a splint and it should heal quickly. What caused it to break anyway?” 

“She will tell you exactly what I told you. Tell her Ruby, about Darcy and-” Charlie began.

“Darcy? What does Darcy have anything to do with this? Why Mrs. Marigold, I was carrying my lunch and then I tripped over a root,” Ruby explained. Charlie started at her questioningly, but Ruby turned away from him.

“Are you sure that’s what happened? That’s not what I hear,” Mrs. Marigold questioned.

“Positive,” Ruby replied. 

“Well, I phoned home and nobody picked up. So if you are feeling alright, I will walk you home and speak to your parents,” Mrs. Marigold said.

“No no, that is not necessary, “Ruby exclaimed, quickly jumping up. “The telephone at home is broken. I can walk home.”

“Walk home? Alone? In the dark? Of course not Ruby! Anything could happen to you. I will not allow it,” Mrs. Marigold disapproved. 

“But I do it all the time. My parents don’t mind,” Ruby hastily explained. 

“I can walk her home if you would like,” proposed Charlie. “Besides, you have had a long day and Ruby shouldn’t take any more of your time. Your family is expecting you! Don’t worry about her. I’ll take her.”

Relief swept over Mrs. Marigold’s face. “You are right. I am running late on my family. Oh thank you Charlie. And be careful. We wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to our wonderful Ruby. Let me go and get you some papers to give your parents, Ruby, and then you can go.”

She quickly went, leaving the two smiling friends alone.

hello i hope u enjoyed this chapter please if u can and want 2 can u plz comment and tell me what u think thank u 

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