The thundering sounds of the approaching boys brought Ruby back from her reveries, just in time to spot Peder come in first. She declared him a winner, and told them she couldn’t play anymore. She turned towards the willow tree, and then stopped short. Her emerald green eyes burned with fury, and she knit her eyebrows. Her fair cheeks speckled with freckles burned as she marched towards the pair. There, next to Charlie, sat Darcy, her archenemy. Darcy’s laughter filled the sky, her golden curls bounced up and down. Her sky blue eyes filled with delight, and her smile showed her perfect white teeth. She was talking to Charlie, and as Ruby got closer she could hear her. “Charlie, you really shouldn’t hang out with Ruby. Don’t you even know what kind of girl she is? She is-.”
“Darcy, leave him alone!” Ruby screamed. “Don’t fill his head with your obvious lies.”
“Why? Is he your boyfriend?” Darcy smirked. Both Charlie and Ruby turned pink.
“Darcy! Nobody wants to listen to anything you say because they are all LIES. So just stop,” Ruby ordered.
“Come make me,” Darcy challenged her.
“Now calm down Ruby. She’s not worth it,” Charlie advised her. Upon hearing this, Darcy gasped and flipped her golden hair. Then, she walked towards Ruby and shoved her. Ruby, not expecting it, fell backwards hardly. Darcy then emptied the rest of her lunch onto Ruby’s head. Then, she walked away, her head held up high.
Ruby groaned and turned around. Her hair was filled with Darcy’s milk, and her clothes were sullied by the remaining food, along with the soil. A new rip was added to her dress, though nobody noticed it because of how many old ones there were. Charlie reached down to pull Ruby up. As he grabbed her hand, she cried in pain and pulled her hand back. Already, her thumb was swelling and turning blue.
“Someone call Mrs. Marigold!” Charlie called, and Dave ran towards the schoolhouse. He returned with a worried teacher. All the students, except Darcy, were gathered around Ruby now. She leaned down next to Ruby and glanced at her appearance. Muttering that she could worry about that later, she gently took Ruby’s hand and examined it. Mrs. Marigold confirmed it to be broken, and said, “I should take you to the hospital to get X rays, but I can’t leave the class. I will call home and-.”
“No!” Ruby cried. “I’ll be fine, really. No need to call home.”
“But it needs to be checked,” Mrs. Marigold explained.
“No it doesn’t,” Ruby said. Then, the pain took over, and Ruby fell over, fainted.

Untying the Knot
FantasyRuby Henderson has lived her whole life working as a slave, but no one knew this. not even her best friend Charlie Baker. When things started to go bad, Ruby decided she had to put a stop to this. After revealing her secret to Charlie, Charlie joins...