Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"Don't Be Afraid"//

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Imagine, Gotham is in all out chaos, the water pipes running under Gotham burst releasing a hallucinogen is the air, it causes people to see their fears and eventually makes them go crazy. The Scarecrow is riding around on a horse witnessing all the chaos, but he wants to help you.
It was just supposed to be a normal day, you were just supposed to go to work, go home, and that's it, you never had a busy scheduled. You work as a receptionist at a law firm in Gotham, if you think it sounds boring, it is. You know Gotham is filled with crime, so before you leave work you grab your purse, holding only your wallet and a hefty amount of pepper spray and you head home after a long, boring day. Well it was boring until the pipes burst.

Mist, everywhere. At first the people just thought it was water, until it made them see things. The people you looked at were big and deformed, their eyes glowing staring right at you, of course it wasn't really like that, in reality everyone was normal but the mist wasn't ordinary water, it was a powerful hallucinogen.

You breathed it in at first, thinking just like everyone it was mist, all a sudden the sky turned red and the people around you grew tall and their eyes glowed like a night stalker waiting for it's next meal. Your heart started to beat fast and you ran. "Please help!" You screamed as you ran, you went behind a tall building, the ground by you exploded, releasing more and more mist, you covered your mouth and nose and ran more till your tripped over, in reality you tripped over a pebble, but your mind turned it into a skull. You couldn't move, you tried, figures got closer to you, you looked up at the black figures and pled,

"P...please, please don't. I'll do anything." You started to shake and whimper then the figures disappeared making way for a tall figure in a brown mask riding a horse with pointed teeth and red eyes. This figure was real, too real. The figure laughed to itself and said,

"Look at all of this fear. All the insanity. Truly amazing." The voice was, in your mind, deep, it sounded like the devil himself, you whined again.

"P...please don't do..do anything." you tried to get away but your leg hurt to much, you look at the figure on the horse it's mask started to move and it looked like little bugs were emerging from it. The figure looked back at you, you believed you were going to die. The figure looks around, you think maybe the mask is protecting it.

"Oh, you don't like this. Don't be afraid." The voice says. With every word the voice gets deeper. You shake your head slowly.

"W...who would." You felt tired, you still were holding something up to your face, the figure Is covered by a mask but on the mask bugs created a smile.

"Me." The voice was echoed and you felt yourself getting tired, the figure reached a hand out from atop its horse, you reach to take it but pass out.

You stretch and yawn, as you yawn you mumble, "what a crazy dream!" You open your eyes and don't see anything just darkness. You hear a laugh close by you,

"Oh, it wasn't a dream!" It's a male voice, you notice that something is covering your eyes you go to grab it but someone grabs your wrist. "Don't take it off." You yawn again,

W...why?" Of course, as anyone would be in that situation you are confused, you don't feel any kind of pain so the person didn't hurt you.

"You are still recovering, you didn't breathe in enough of the hallucinogen to permanently effect you." After he says that, you think about the "dream", you remember that you had something covering your nose and mouth most of the time.

"Oh, that's what that was. Where did the hallucinogens come from?" You are now extremely curious, how did hallucinogens burst through the water pipes?

"Me, I massed produced them, poured them in the water supply, then a few other complicated things happened, but those details aren't important." He sounds proud, really proud.

"W...why would you do something like that." You couldn't help but ask, why would anyone want to cause a whole city to go mad?

"Because." He doesn't say much, You assume there are a lot of reasons, you hear him stand up. "Don't worry about it thought, Batman fixed everything." He imitated Batman's voice at the end. "He found the cure and one thing lead to another and now everything is back to being awful."

You laugh, damn this man really is crazy. "Oh, then what's with the cloth on my eyes."

"You would of freaked out when you woke up, you would still be hallucinating for a few minutes."

"Oh." You don't say anything else. You don't know what to say you hear footsteps approaching and the cloth lifts, you don't notice your surroundings but you notice the man in front of you, he looks down at you and smiles.

"Well, it should of worn off by now." He walks away from you and you sit up.

"Wait!" He stops and turns around. "We're you saved by the masked man to?" He chuckles and looks over at you.

"I am the masked man. But I like to call it Scarecrow." When he says that you smile weekly, and you look at him, you look at his features, he looks a bit familiar.

"Oh, thank you, thanks a lot. Scarecrow isn't your real name right?" You look around as you say that, it looks like an asylum room. There are white walls and a table (which you were laying on).

The man smiles "I wish it was, my name is Johnathan Crane." You heard that name before, but you can't remember so you think for a second.

"You run the asylum, don't you? Did you do this to get more patients."

"No, trust me, there are more then enough patients. I did it for a lot of reasons. And how rude, you didn't tell me your name." He sits down on the chair by the table, you notice how disheveled he looks. His hair is a mess and his clothes are dirty he looks like he is hiding.

"Oh yeah sorry. My name is Y/F/N." You yawn again and notice your purse is still with you, but the pepper spray is gone.

"Oh, that's a pretty name." Crane looks up at you and you look away a bit shyly.

"Oh...thanks." You reaction made him smile and now since your know him better, you want to ask the question that's been on your mind since you woke up. "Why did you help me?" Your voice is gentle when saying this, you were wondering why, he didn't seem like the person to save anyone but yet he saved you.

"Because..." His voice trails a little and he puts his hand on your cheek, you blush and look at him confused. "Because you look pretty when you are afraid." He smiles and you smile to.

Oh come on Y/N you can't be falling for the man who is responsible for all the chaos, or can You? But he is the only person who you've met who has been nice. Gotham isn't filled with the nicest people, and most of the men in Gotham are pigs. He waits for your response but your were obviously shy.

"Oh come on, don't be afraid..." he kisses you gently and after he is done, he steps back a little and you look at him and he looks at you. Your heart beats fast and you say softly,

"Well I'm pretty happy you saved me now."

"Good. I was trying to make the whole, saving you from my self thing romantic." After he says this you giggle.

"You did a great job." You lean in from the table you are sitting on and you kiss him this time, and this time you notice once you both pull away he is the shy one, you say lovingly, "Aw, don't be afraid!"
I hope you enjoyed that imagine, I kind of want to make a part 2 because I feel like it could use more, but for now I'm going to do another villain! (Update: Part 2 out now!)

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