Joker //"Cell Mates"//

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Imagine, you are just a "bit" crazy. You were thrown into Arkham Asylum only because you failed a little test, and murdered innocent people just because you wanted to. The Joker is your cell mate and you both feel a connection.
Pl...please don't this, I don't belong among these people!" You plead with the guards you are being assigned a cell, the guards laugh and look at you, you have your fist clenched. You wouldn't mind hurting them.

"You really don't think you did anything wrong. You killed over ten people trying to exterminate the "un-pure." You laugh and smile at the guards.

"They deserved it, they weren't pure enough."

"And you are?"

"Yes, because I felt real pain, they lived lavish lives and never felt how I felt." The guards roll their eyes and shove you over to a cell, they quickly unlock the door and force you in, you look around and notice a clown sitting on the bottom bunk of the stacked beds.  He laughs while he looks at you.

"What did you do, to get in a place like this." You immediately know who this is, The Joker.

"Nothing! I did god's work and got rid of the unworthy." You pout as you look at what's happening just outside your cell, you notice more inmates, that's it. The Joker smiles widely at you holding back a laugh.

"God's work huh, what did they do?" He says which is followed by a laugh

"They never felt pain like I've felt. I never had shit when I was little, I still don't. They lived rich and lavish lives as people like me suffer, and they don't do anything to help." You lean against the left wall of the cell and clench your fist.

"I like your beliefs." The Joker stands up and you look at him, someone stands for what you believe in, you smile.

"Really! The judge and jury didn't!" You beam at him and he shrugs.

"They don't agree, because they are the rich."

"Good point." You look at his makeup, it's smeared but you are surprised the asylum didn't make him take it off.  You look at his scars, curious about where they come from.

"Where did you get the scars?" As you say this the joker swiftly makes his way to you and rubs his finger against your lips, he laughs like a crazy pers- oh wait.

"People." That's all he says his fingers still brush against your lips, "You would look good with scars doll." you giggle slightly and shake your head.

"I don't think so, my mental scars are deep enough."

"You should see mine." You both sit down on the bottom bunk, watching the walls it seems. You don't know what to say, but being in this small room is pure hell, The Joker laughs.

"Hell isn't a strong enough word for it." Wha- how did he, never mind, you brush it off your shoulder.

"How long have you been here?" You say as you look at the floor of the cell.

"About a year, it's nice to have company!" He laughs quietly and you lay down on the bed, he is sitting down still, on the end of the bed.

"I heard about you, they call you theatrical, but the police fear you." You roll over and face the wall.

"Really, I've been called dramatic before, theatrical is a bit new. Wanna see a magic trick!" He seems excited, a guard is walking around doing cell checks, he lays down in front of you, blocking you from the guards sight. The guard notices that you're are not there and enters the cell, his gun close by.

"Where is Inmate #134!" The Joker laughs, and springs up from the bed and with cat like reflects takes the guard's gun and shoots him. You laugh when he does.

"Ta-da! His life disappeared!" You clap and guards coming running in, they have their guns drawn on both of us.

"HANDS UP! DON'T MOVE!" The guards shout synced, The Joker laughs.

"Don't worry! The trick is over!"
Night comes quick, The Joker is still in the same cell, they didn't remove him, but they questioned both of us. You stretch and yawn, The Joker smiles at you, but you don't notice. You get ready to go to the top bunk but he pulls a little on your clothes.

"Come on, Y/N . Don't you want to feel safe." He looks at you, you aren't sure what he means.

"What do you mean?" You laugh slightly.

"It's not easy sleeping alone here, your thoughts intrude, it's not a nice feeling." The Joker laughs before he says "thoughts intrude."

"Well you're right below me, I should be good." He looks at you as you lean against the ladder that leads to the top bed.

"That's not good enough, I've had cellmates before. That doesn't fix anything. Maybe we know...sleep together. It's not easy surviving the first night." He has a point, I'm not used to being in a cell like this, but you barley know the guy! But again, you just want to feel something again.

"Oh...don't they do cell checks at night?"

"Well, yeah. But I know the schedule. When it's around the time for one, I will go to the top bunk." He looks at you trying to convince you. He's doing a good job.

"Ok, fine." You lay down on the bottom bed, you move to the side that's against the wall, and he lays down next to you. There isn't a lot of space so you two are really close together but he moves closer.

"You know how bad my thoughts get at night." He whispers, you look up at him, he is one of the pure ones.

"No...but mine get bad. I can't imagine yours." He smile at you and pulls your really close to him you blush and try to pull away, but he holds you there.

"Let's have bad thoughts together. We're both crazy, we're both pure." The Joker says in a manic whisper. You breathe heavily, you can kill anyone without thought, but stuff like this makes you nervous. He cackles looking down at you. "Don't be nervous kitten, I don't bite." You relax a little more and wrap your arms around him.

"No you don't bite, you kill." You tease as you try to not be overwhelmed by the emotions you're feeling.

"Well, yes. But I wouldn't kill you. Wow, I don't normally tell people that." The Joker let's his thumb brush against your lips again. You bury yourself really close to him, very shy. He laughs like a maniac at this, but you like his laugh. You close your eyes and drift into a light sleep, you are very close to him and you don't want to let go, and you don't have any bad thoughts.
Ugh I love this! I felt like my other Joker imagine was lacking, manly because it's my first one. But I wanted to do a more fluffier imagine, and I want to do more in the future because I'm crazy and love villains. Anyways peace for now~ (Update: Part 2 is out now!)

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