Roman Sionis (Black Mask) //"Protector" Part 2//

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Imagine, you two have been a couple for six months, things are good, but you are still paying for things you've done in the past. Loan sharks. Your ex took out loans in your name and you are the one trying to pay.

"Just give me a few more days, please!" You plead. The man glares at you and takes out a knife and holds it to your neck.

"You have five days, if you don't pay it in full by then, you will pay in a different kind of currency." His voice is hateful, you breathe deeply and he pulls away the knife and lets you go. You only have half the money saved up, you know Roman would probably help you if you told him, but you don't want to, you don't want to be a problem. You walk and think, "How the hell am I going to pay it off in five days."
"You've been really quiet lately, is something up." Roman's says as he pours himself a drink. The warning happened yesterday night. You shake your head.

"Oh, I'm just tired." As in "tired" you mean scared for your life but, I guess it's the same thing. He takes a sip of his drink then kisses your forehead.

"Oh, well we can go take a nap right now if you want!" You shake your head.

"Oh no it's fine, I can manage. I have to go out actually." You stand up and stretch.

"Where are you going? You've been going out a lot." He sounds a bit concerned, but who wouldn't. It makes it look like you're sneaking around.

"It's my friend's birthday today, I'm just going over to her apartment for a bit." You get your purse and he nods, but he looks a bit sad.

"Ok, have fun." He walks away from you and you leave and sigh as you do.

"Get someone to follow her. I think she's cheating." He points at Victor Zsasz and he rolls his eyes.

"I know she is boss, women are like that." He follows you out and you start to drive, you go to the bank and see how much money is in your account, not much only half of what you owe, you withdraw it. You leave the bank not knowing Victor is follow you, you get in your car and drive to a pretty sketchy building and park your car and enter, the man from last night scowls at you.

"What do you want?" He gets his knife ready and you hand him some of the money.

"This is all I have so far, here." He snatches it from you, and you leave. Victor takes a few photos to show Roman. You get back in your car and park some where pretty remote and cry. You don't know what you are going to do, everything is coming at you at once, Victor isn't follow you anymore he has all the evidence he needs. You put your head on the steering wheel and cry, you don't want to die, but you don't want to get anyone involved.
"If you don't want to be with me, you could of just told me!" You shake your head it's a misunderstanding but Roman doesn't know that. It's later in the night, and he confronts you about it.

"Please it's just a misunderstanding!" You have a lot of stress right now, and him not trusting you is the last thing you need. You knew he wouldn't handle this well.

"The photos, Y/N/ the fucking photos." He sounds mad but he sounds more sad then anything. He hands you the photos, now you have to tell him. You either lie and don't tell him and have him think you are cheating, or tell him about the sharks. You tear up and he looks at you,

"Why are you the one crying!" He snaps at you, you look down and take a long breath.

"I kno...know you aren't go..going to believe me....or you're going to be really mad. I..I'm not cheating on yo-" You cry softly, this whole situation is so stressful.

"Yes you are! Just shut up!" He starts to walk away and you take one more deep breath and say quickly,

"Im dealing with the loan sharks, my ex took loans out in my name and I can't pay them....." He turns around you said that all in one breath, you cry again thinking about how much trouble you are in.
"I ga...gave them eve...everything my b...but it's n...not enough." He walks towards you, you are looking down crying, he places a hand on your cheeks and you look at him and rub your eyes, they sting from how much crying you've been doing.

"Y/N/N, why didn't you tell me before?" He moves his hand around your eyes and uses his thumb to brush away some tears.

"I...I thought you would get ma...mad." You say between soft cries

"It's not your fault, I would be more mad if you were cheating..." He smiles softly at you and you go to rub your eyes, he moves your hand away. "Don't rub your eyes, they will get all red I got it. How much do you owe?" He says wiping more tears away, you take a second to catch your breath so you can talk.

"650,000. I...pai..paid half of it. I...I have f..four more days." You try to say without crying, of course you fail. He pulls you into a tight hug, you cry, your tears making his clothes a little wet.

"Tell me where they are headquartered. I'll handle it." He pulls you tighter and you shake a little, you tell him the address in a soft voice. "I'll protect you princess." His voice is a comfort during this really hard time, but you are afraid he can get hurt. "For tonight, let's just get some rest." You slowly pull away from his tight hug. He picks you up and gently places you on the bed you giggle softly, a few stray tears dance down your cheeks. You move over and he lays down next to you, you lay down and you yawn. It's pretty late, around 12:00 am, but you still have a lot on your mind. Even though he said he will take care of it, you are afraid he could get hurt. He rubs you cheek and you look at him a small blush on your face, he chuckles.

"I love you." He whispers as you blush more. You two have been together for a while, but moments of pure love like this always make you bashful.

"I love you too!" He wraps you up in the safety of his arms, having him being this protective of you now, reminds you of how protective he was when you two were younger. You got bullied a lot when you were at a private school, they always teased you for being a little bit different from everyone else, and he would threaten, hurt and even once he stabbed a student with a broken pencil after they shoved you into some lockers. Then he would get suspended and the process repeated till he had to switch schools. You gently hold onto his arms and drift off into a peaceful sleep, the most peaceful sleep you've had since having to deal with this whole thing.

Before you fall asleep you hear him whisper something to you in a comforting voice, "I'll always be your protector...I promise."
Just a heads up, there definitely will be a part 3 which will be when he actually goes to take down the loan sharks, so stay tuned! (Update: Part 3 out now!)

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