Joker //"Speechless"//

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Imagine, you are completely mute, you can't talk and it's been like that since birth, everything else is fine with you. Everyday is lonely and boring until Gotham starts to gets more interesting because of a clown called Joker.

Living life silent, never having a say in what's happening and never being able to state your opinion, it's not a good life but it's the hand you were given, so you try to play it the best you can. You live in a city consistently filled with sound, it never shuts up, small crime happen often and big crimes occur even more frequently, you live in Gotham City. You work as a custodian for an apartment building, instead of a pay check they gave you a room, and you work as a driver to make some money for other things like food, yeah your life isn't to good and you have thought about turning into a criminal for a long time, but you just don't have the guts for it.

"You're done for the day Y/N." The manager of the apartment complex says, you nod and go into the supplies closet and put some of the cleaning supplies away, you exit the apartment building, you don't stay in your apartment a lot, you usually just walk around until it gets late, you walk a bit further and see a group of cop cars the cops are using a megaphone and shout,

"Everyone out of the area! A very dangerous criminal is on the loose in this area he is unpredictable!" You hear the message and go to walk back, you aren't really to concerned, it's Gotham City it happens all the time. You turn a corner on your way back to the apartments but you run into someone, you go to keep walking and he grabs the back of your jacket and pulls you, you widen you eyes and turn around to look at him, he's wearing a purple and green suit, purple pants and has clown makeup on, it's The Joker.

"It's rude to not apologize doll!" He laughs at you for a moment and you shake your head, "shit" you think to yourself. After a moment he looks at you and chuckles.

"Cat got your tongue?" His voice is menacing, it sends a shiver down your spine and you shake your head again you dig in your pocket for a piece of paper and a pen so you can explain yourself, he stops you and shoves you into a car, you can't scream, he laugh as he does. "Well then, I might have to teach you some manners,  I hope you like torture doll." You shake your head fast, he goes to put a piece of duct tape around your mouth, he notices you aren't screaming so he doesn't. "You don't seem to answer so I'm assuming you don't mind!"
You are tied up to a chair, you try to struggle and break free but your efforts aren't paying off. Joker walks in the room, he has a knife visible from his right hand, he laughs and looks at you,

"Now, I know a guy like me has left a girl like you speechless, but a little hello won't kill ya!" He comes even closer, he moves the knife around in his hand, you whimper softly, little sounds come out but that's it. He pulls a pen and a sheet of crumpled up paper from his pocket. "If you won't talk to me, write for me." He unties one hand and you take the pen and paper and write down that you are mute, he laughs slightly.

"Oh....well I didn't know that." He takes the paper and pen you try to wiggle your other hand free but he puts the knife by your mouth. "I can imagine that a girl who can't speak doesn't smile to often, maybe I can fix that!" You shake your head desperately you don't want to die, but maybe living is harder. You stop moving and resisting and nod. "You must have bad you ever want to get revenge on life for making you the way you are?" He smiles widely at you, this is all to true, you always wanted to get revenge, but nobody made you this way. You nod your head.

"Listen, I can help you! I'm the master of revenge, it's basically my middle name!" He has a sudden change, he wanted to hurt you but now he wants to help you. "I know what it's like to be cursed at birth, not like you though. I was never all there!" He laughs, maybe he understands. He gives you the pen and paper again. "Tell me, who do you blame your curse on." You think for a second, you write and hand him the piece of paper. "Everyone. This is great, we are both on the same page!" He unties you fully, you look up at him and he smiles.

"You've been thinking about crime often. You want to do this, but you were just nervous, right?" He helps you up and you nod, how does he know so much. This causes him to laugh, "Well think of this as your debut as my little sidekick!" You smile and he does to. "Have you ever been with someone? Someone that likes you." You shake your head and he hands you the paper and pen, you write down that you never even had friends before, especially not a partner. He reads it and laughs a little, "So were both loners, maybe we can be lonely together!" You widen your eyes and smile softly, he holds back a few laughs and he gently rubs over your lips smiling as he does, you blush as he does this kind of contact is really new to you. He moves one hand down to your hip you shiver very shyly and he chuckles, he slowly removes his finger from your lip and leans in and kisses you, you widen your eyes a bit nervous but settle down. Your heart beats really fast, he pulls away and plays with your hair for a moment, he looks into your eyes lovingly and you smile bashful, he laughs for a second then he whispers,

"Awww did I leave ya speechless doll?"
After writing this, it is giving me extreme Shape Of Water vibes and I didn't even try for that (゚∀゚)

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