Harvey Dent (Two Face) //" The Green Assassin"//

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Imagine, you want to make a name for yourself in Gotham, you have committed a few crimes in Gotham City, one bank robbery, holding a hostage and some other smaller things. You know you can't make a name for yourself on your own, but Two-Face gets word of you and offers help.

You just robbed a bank, it's a small bank nothing like Gotham National Bank but its still a bank. The few men you have, got away in a getaway car and are getting driven back to your facility, your heart races with adrenaline, you are in an alleyway between two fairly rundown buildings, your chest moves and you laugh lightly. They're is some blood on your clothes,
you had to kill a few to get the money. You calm down, the police can't find you here.

"They'll know my name one day!" You say proudly, you hear a laugh and look down the alleyway, you jump and back away. A figure comes into view, it's a man wearing a trench coat, he is looking down.

"Such big ambitions." The man says with another laugh, you continue to back away. "Don't be scared, I'm not a cop." You stop, he's still looking down.

"Who are you?" You wipe some of the blood of your face, just incase he is a cop. He slowly shows you his face. Shit, it's Two Face. "Oh hey.....please don't kill me."

"Don't worry about that, we're birds of a feather." You walk a bit closer, you're both criminals so you are a bit at ease.

"What do you want?" You know who this man is, who doesn't. He has committed many big crimes, everyone knows his name.

"Just hanging around, a guy like me can't show his face in public." He leans against the alleyway's wall. "You seem on edge, what did you just do?"

"I robbed a bank." You are in the presence of a master, you have quite a few questions.

"Oh." He moves a hand to the bottom of your cheek and he feels the blood that's still there, he nods. "Not a very clean job." You laugh for a second.

"I don't need it to be clean, I need it to pay off." You put away your gun, and he smiles at you.

"I like that, do you trust your men, it would be almost impossible to commit a robbery by yourself so I'm assuming you had help, where are they?" He pulls out a knife and plays with it.

"They went to take back the money." After you say this Two Face chuckles.

"You won't be seeing that money any time soon." You shake your head,

"Yes I will!"

"No you won't. You trust to easily, you have to make your men fear your very name." You think about it, maybe they did run off. They convinced you to let them drive themselves and have you hide for a little, shit.


"Don't get to sad, there will be other opportunities." He puts his knife away and you look down a bit upset.

"I just want to make a name for myself, I don't even think a fucking bug is scared of me."

"Don't say that. You killed people today, that's one way to get the word around, you just have to do it more frequently." For a criminal mastermind, he's kind of nice.

"Oh, how did you make yourself known?" This question amuses him,

"Everyone knew about my accident, I didn't really make a name for myself doing bad things, I did good things for a while and then when I turned bad I wanted to change my image, which is why I go by Two Face, do you have a alias?" You know his real name, everyone in Gotham remembers the good hearted Harvey Dent, but now they fear the evil spirited Two Face.

"Well, um, not really." You laugh slightly, when a crime of yours is featured in the news, which isn't often they just called you by your name. You've been institutionalized two times, once when you were a teen and the other only about a year ago, but you escaped, your escapes were covered in the news. He smiles for a second.

"What you need is a mentor, someone that can help you establish your alias." You fold your arms when he says this,

"It's not as easy as it sounds. Most criminals don't want to mentor others because it makes competition." You lean against the wall and he looks at you.

"I'll mentor you, I can tell you're desperate." He laughs slightly and you roll yours eyes and giggle.

"Wait really?"

"Yes, I want to do something that's going to put Gotham in an endless spiral of fear, and maybe forming a criminal might be that something." You realize that you aren't going to be just a normal criminal, he wants to make you Gotham's personal terrorist.
After six months of being formed into the terrorist Two Face dreams of, he thinks your are ready. You no longer have to think when you commit a crime, you just act and you do it flawlessly. You are a killing machine, and he seems very proud of himself and of you.

"You are now the monster I envisioned you as the first time we met." He is sizing you up, looking you over, he takes out a knife behind your back and before he even gets to release the blade you swing back and grab his wrist tight. "You are ready Y/N. But I need to make sure you know your stuff." He hands you a yellow folder, inside is a task it reads, "Kill the mayors family, place bombs around Gotham City and force a ransom or else the bombs go off and the mayor and his family die." It then shows pictures of the bombs and mayor.

"I can do this!" You smiles and he does to.

"It's not as easy as it sounds, this is a terrorist mission on Gotham City, you need to be fast, resourceful and cunning." You have become every one of those things, you are basically a machine. You have made a name for yourself. You helped along with Two Face in a few big crimes, they call you his sidekick but this solo mission will make all of Gotham City know your name.

"Hey Two Face." He looks at you,


"What's my name? What's my alias?" He looks at you, taking in everything, you are wearing your uniform, an all green assassin like outfit.

"The Green Assassin. I've noticed how fond you are of that color, and you are a killing machine." You smile, it's perfect. He hands you a green marker. "Every time you kill, leave your mark. Vandalize the body in green marker."

"Not a bad idea. Soon all of Gotham will fear...my green marker!" You laugh and he does to. You might be a full blown killer but you haven't lost the personality you had when you two first meant. After a few minutes, he looks at you a bit sadly.

"On a more sour note, tonight is the last night we will get to see each other. Your training is over and now we are technically rivals." You pout after hearing this. Learning from him has been the best experience of your life.

"I don't want to say goodbye." You look away, you feel as if he has became a friend.

"I don't want to either, but that's just how it is." He pushes a piece of hair behind your ear, you don't want to look at him or else you'll get sad, he looks down at you for a second and sighs. He doesn't want to tell you how much he'll miss you, you've been his only company for a while. He swiftly gives you a very sudden kiss. Your heart stops and you look up at him blushing like a little maniac.

"W..why did you do that?" You are really shy around this love stuff, he looks away as if he did something wrong.

"I'm sorry, I know you probab-"

"No don't be sorry. I liked it!" You laugh playfully and he smiles.

"Well then, how about another, Green Assassin." Hearing him say this makes your heart race, you love it, you both lean in and kiss. You know you won't see him again, so you make it count.
(Update: Part 2 out now!)

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