Dr Jonathan Crane (Scarecrow) //"Psychologist"//

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Imagine: You have a new job at Arkham Asylum as a psychologist. Today you are meeting a new patient, Jonathan Crane. You've heard a lot about him and he didn't talk to his other psychologist, maybe you can get him to open up.

You are in your office, a fan blows air quietly and you tap your finger on your desk as you read the folder for your next patient. You've already meant with a few other patients, it's your first week at Arkham Asylum and you've already meant some colorful characters, but this guy seems pretty interesting. Escaped twelve times, maximum security, refuses medicine, above average IQ, alias: Scarecrow. You close the folder and push it to the side and wait for the guards to bring him in. You hear a knock.

"Come in, it's unlocked." The guards enters, in front of them is a man with jet black hair and glasses, he's in a partial straight jacket, a bit dramatic you think to yourself.

"We have ways to get him to talk if you're having trouble mam." The guard adjust his tool belt and Jonathan Crane rolls his eyes.

"He'll talk when he's ready." They leave and your patient sits down you open the folder with his information. "It's nice to be seeing you for the first time Jonathan, my name is Y/N." He look at you then looks back down.

"Don't call me that." His voice sounds very cold.

"Then what do you prefer?" You look at the folder for more information. Under conditions it says compulsive liar, sociopath, acute schizophrenia, and extreme paranoia episodes.

"Scarecrow." He half smiles a bit devilishly and you nod.

"Works for me. So Scarecrow, here's a bit of an awkward icebreaker, it says here that you've escaped from here 12 times, do you have a family to escape back to?" You always ask a personal question first to get to know how their life is when they weren't locked up. He doesn't look at you.

"They don't want me." You follow his gaze to your desk, he's trying to look at his folder.

"Oh, then why do you escape so much?"

"Who would anyone want to stay in a place like this...also its way to easy, might as well." He smirks and you write something down, dysfunctional family life.

"Yeah, security isn't great here. I'm very interested in your alias, Scarecrow. When you are Scarecrow, is it like you're a different person?" He shakes his head, but he doesn't answer fully. The folder says he doesn't say much, so you aren't expecting long answers. After a few seconds he looks at you.

"You can't be perfect. How's your family life? I've noticed very little photos on your desk, none at all actually." You look at him confused.

"Let's not make this about me, this is about you." You look at your desk, he's right.

"They never ask if the psychologist needs psychology. Tell me about you, then I might tell you about me." As he talks he doesn't break eye contact, but you do. You notice his arm is free from the straight jacket but you don't do anything.

"Fine. My family life isn't great. I moved out the day I turned 18 and I've been alone ever since. They didn't value brains, they valued strength. My whole family were strong and sporty and I was the outcast." As you talk he looks at you like he's reading your facial expressions, like what you're supposed to be doing to him.

"You should talk to someone about it. Stuff like that just eats away on the brain until it slowly makes itself go mad." He looks away from you, you look under your desk and pull out a suitcase.

"They told me your were smart, but they didn't say you could easily take my job." You put the suitcase on your desk and Scarecrow laughs.

"Because I was in your seat once. I ran this place. I did quite a few experiments here." You look at him interested. You heard something about that from your older colleagues, that he did experiments on patients to test his ever so famous hallucinogen that in the end damaged his own brain leading to paranoia and schizophrenia.

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