Roman Sionis (Black Mask) //"Oops."//

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Imagine, you are the daughter of an up and coming Gotham crime boss. You are kidnapped by one of Roman's men and are brought to him. The plan was to kill you so he could teach your dad not to interfere with what's his, but he falls in love.
One minute you are walking around Gotham for a night time walk and the next you are waking up in a big, warehouse like room. You open your eyes and look around, everything is upside down, wait you are upside down. You try to move around, you are suspend by something but you can't see it. You feel hopeless you try to scream but it's muffled by tape, you breathe heavily and the door swings open a man with extremely short white hair walks in you look at him, he laughs. You notice he is carrying a knife.

Please...what's gonna happen. You think to yourself you try to move and he leans in. "Don't worry, it will be over fairly quick." The door opens again, the light in the room is limited, not much but a few windows let in sunlight, it smells like dried blood you are not this man's first victim. You see the next man that enters he is wearing a white suit with a black dress shirt, it looks very expensive, he has brown hair and the look on his face shows an arrogant pleasure.

"What do we have here!" The man says excited the man with the white hair smiles at him, maybe he is the other man's assistant.

"Y/L/N's daughter." The white haired man says softly the man in the suit smiles at you.

"Nice to meet you, are you comfortable?" He jokes, it makes you kind of mad how arrogant he is. He walks closer to you and lifts your head so you can see him....I know him. It's Sionis. Your dad is a rising crime boss in Gotham, and Roman has already made a name for himself. Your dad is slowly becoming his enemy and he wants to stop him before he gets to powerful.

"Let's cut to the chase, you didn't do anything to really..." He thinks for a second, "deserve this, but your dad has." He rips off the tape and you whine.

"You don't have to explain it to me, I know what he did." You make your voice sound confident even though you are scared shitless he smiles down at you.

"Great, I'm a bit hoarse today so I would prefer to cut to the chase" He laughs to himself which is followed by a laugh by his white haired assistant.

"What are you going to do to me?" You are forced to look at him because he is holding your head up to him. You think the worse.

"You have a very pretty face, I want it." He rubs your cheek with his thumb and you widen your eyes scared, that's what the knife is for. "Has your dad told you about me?"

"Yes. A lot. He used to work for you." This seems to upset him he scowls, this can't be good.

"Your fucking father betrayed me! He took almost everything from me, and he almost got me arrested!" Roman grabs the knife from the other man and shows you it, you thrash. "Now he will know what pain is." You shake your head and try to move away. "I don't normally do this, so it might be a sloppy job!"

"Please! Listen to me, just give me a second!" You only say this to delay the process, you have no clue what to say after this.

"What!" He pulls the knife away and hands it to his white haired friend, You can't help but notice the way his white haired friend looks at him, they must be really close.

"I...I'm..sorry." This was the only thing you could think of, little tears starts to form in your eyes and they roll down your cheeks he glares down at you and his face doesn't look angry anymore, he looks a bit worried.

"I, I shouldn't be taking this out on you, I should of got someone to kidnap him." The white haired man looks shocked and he look down at you, he looks into your eyes intensely, almost like he is searching for something. "Get her down."

You could of left, he gave you that option. He gave you two...

"I can get someone to bring you back, or you can stay for a bit longer." His voice is kind of breaking you couldn't tell if he was mad at himself or mad at you, it didn't really matter, but he seems a bit unstable.

"I...I can stay for a bit longer." You are still in the warehouse like room, the white haired man left it's just you and him. This response makes him smile at you.

"I didn't expect that." Roman says softly as he looks away. He walks away from you. "I never took someone down from there before."

"Oh, do I get a medal?" You teasingly say, he laughs at this and fixes his hair.

"No, but you get to go on a d-" He begins to speak but stops you giggle and look at him, he looks at you debating on if he should say it. "on a date?" He said this as a question, you look at him, for someone with as much power as him, he looked really nervous.

"Woah, that's way better then a medal" You both smile at each other.

"Great, how does tonight sound?"

Roman takes you to his club. They're are people everywhere, a lady singing on the stage, two bars to the side, and it's lit in red light, there are also a lot of tables and booths. Everyone seems to know him and he is fairly friendly with everyone. He is wearing a green velvet suit, black gloves, and rose colored glasses. You are wearing what you were kidnapped in, you didn't go home to change but both of you didn't seem to mind.

"I'll be right back, go get a drink, I told them not to charge you." He pats your shoulder and walks to a group of people making sure they are having fun and then onto next. You go to the left bar and ask for something fruity, nothing to strong, the bartender nods and starts to make it. You notice the people, they're mostly woman in his club, it kind of shocks you how he doesn't already have a date, then the white haired man walks up to you as the bartender hands you your drink.

"He's high maintenance." The white haired man says, it made you laugh, but he was serious. "You won't be able to take care of him like I can."

"I got a taste of it today, I think I can!" You try to convince the white haired man, but he was very protective over Roman, why?

"Oh, it gets worst Princess." He says the last part as an insult, but you don't wanna be mean back.

"I don't even think I got your name, at least get to know me before you insult me."

"Just call me Victor." Victor looks away from you, he doesn't care about what your name is so you don't tell him, then Roman comes back and Victor becomes almost a different person

"Oh don't drive her away yet." Roman says joking,
"Don't take it seriously he does that to everyone." Victor fakes a laugh and then walks away.

"Um...anyways! Follow me!" He starts walking and I follow him, he leads me to a booth in the back and I sit down and he sits down next to me. "I didn't want to do this out in the open so..." He kisses you, it's surprisingly gentle, he holds your cheek as he does,  you both smile as you pull away.

"Okay, that's all I wanted to do." He says this and you giggle, he grabs your hand and he stands up so you do to, he begins to walk, this time holding you close which is his way of announcing the relationship is official.

"You were just going to peel my face off 9 hours ago" You say as he keeps your extremely close, he laughs,

"Oh yeah...oops."
I don't have anything important to say, but we all know Roman is probably apart of the alphabet cult. (Update: Part 2 out now!)

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