Harvey Dent (Two Face) //"Mine"//

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Imagine, you and Harvey were dating before the accident, when it happens he doesn't even tell you, you hear it on the news. Of course he doesn't think you would even want to see him, but he's wrong.

The news is something you don't watch often. It's usually pretty one sided and a lot of times wrong, so you settle for a crime drama or documentary most of the time. You are sitting on the couch eating a bag of plain potato chips and watching the newest episode of your favorite crime drama, "Law and Oh No" which is a show about really stupid criminals and the main cop of the show trying to make the crime way more complicated then it is. Lucky for you, your boyfriend Harvey and you both can get into late night crime dramas so you never miss an episode, you haven't seen Harvey in a while though. You watch the program, trying not to think about where Harvey is, he's busy a lot but for two days straight? The show you are watching is pretty entertaining and a good distraction, that is until a breaking news report starts.

"We have heard news that two days ago, the inspirational Harvey Dent was severely injured in a courtroom accident in which a mob boss threw a container of acid on his face, we have yet to hear word on this condition but the people of the jury said it was horrific and he is unlikely to recover fully." The report ends.... your heart races, you breath heavily and run to the phone. You don't know which hospital he could be at, but you call every hospital in the area. As you are put on a short hold your head races with thoughts, the main one being "how bad is it?" The receptionist picks up.

"Hi, do you have Harvey Dent as a patient?" You try to sound calm but you are freaking out, she can hear your nervous breathing over the phone.

"Well we need to know who's asking, can I have a name?" You hold the phone close to your ear.

"It's Y/N, I'm his girlfriend." You hear the receptionist type at the computer.

"Yes we do, I don't think he is in any condition for visitors though, from what his record says, it sounds pretty bad." You thank her and hang up the phone and quickly get changed into clothes that aren't your pajamas, you need to see him. You get in your car and pretty much speed, you park the car and approach the building, it looms over the parking lot, you don't want this place to be the last place where you see him. You enter and check in, the lady who checks you in sounds like the same lady who took your call. You are escorted to a room and left on the outside. You wait for a second, not sure what you'll see. You can hear machines beep from the outside, you take a deep breath and slowly walk in.

He doesn't notice that you entered until you come closer to the bed. Half of his face is bandaged up, it smells like flesh in the room. "Don't look at me...." His voice is shaky and you look away.

"Oh Harv, I'm so sorry." You don't want to stare, he looks away from you. How could something like this happen to him? He takes a few labored breaths and then looks at you.

"Y/N...if you want to leave, I don't blame you." You shake your head after he says this, you would never leave him because of something he can't control.

"No, I don't want to leave you, I love you regardless of appearance Harv." He laughs slightly and you look down at him, it's not a happy laugh, it's a bit cold.

"That's because you don't know what it looks like without the bandages." It makes you a little upset that he thinks that this will change how you feel.

"Listen, I really don't care. We've been together for two years, why would I break it off because of something you couldn't control?" After you say this he shrugs, the tone of your voice tells him how serious you are.

"You'll always be mine right?" He stares into your eyes and you nod, you can't imagine how much pain he is in.
Ever since the accident, which was 3 months ago, you two are still together, except he wanted a change in character, he's now the bad guy. He's a fan of robberies and you help him plan. It's the night before a big robbery, he's sitting up in bed reading a book, you are rubbing a anti-infection cream on his scars, you help him a lot because if you don't he doesn't do them, he doesn't care enough about himself.

"Stay still!" You giggle playfully as he moves his head a little and he looks over at you and teasingly and moves his head more.

"Is this better?" He chuckles and you laugh, he is a handful.

"If you keep moving I swear to god!" You say with a giggle and places a hand on the side of your face and smiles.

"What is my fierce beast going to do?" You pout teasingly when he says this and put some of the cream on your finger.

"I'll put it in your eye!" After your response he swiftly takes the cream off of your finger and wipes it on your nose, you glare playfully and he laughs.

"I win."

"You'll rue the day!" You can't say this without laughing, he pulls you onto his lap, you play with the neckline of his shirt shyly and he places a hand on yours gently. When he does you look into his eyes and smile warmly.

"Y/N/N...." He whispers softly, your heart beat picks up. You stop playing with the neckline of his shirt.

"Yes?" You can't help but feel a certain love for him, he doesn't look like how he did when you two first meant, but that doesn't matter to you.

"Promise me, you will always be mine."

"I promise!" This causes him to smile and he kisses you the best he can, you really mean your promise.
Okay so the first part of this imagine is a lot
like a different one I did, but hey fuck it~  (Update: Part 2 out now!)

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