Joker //"Our Dance"//

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(Thank you so much to @CrazyForHawk for the request, I really appreciate it!)
Imagine, you're the sister of Gotham City's D.A. Harvey Dent. You are attending a fundraiser for his new campaign but while you are there Gotham City's most feared criminal barges in. Everyone is scared, but not you.

You sit in the back of a limousine that picked you up only a short while ago. You play with your casual black dress making sure you look perfect, you've always had trouble when it comes to feeling good about yourself. The limousine is on its way to the fundraiser for your brother Harvey Dent who is running for re-election. You look out the limousine window as it travels down the highway, you never really liked these kind of events but maybe this one will be different, who knows.

"Seems kind of vain to throw this huge party for yourself." You joke as Harvey looks at you. You are a few years younger then him.

"Well actually this benefit is curtsey of Bruce Wayne, but what's the shame in being a little vain." He smiles at you and you roll your eyes and walk off to the drink station. It's beautifully laid out, a gorgeous ice sculpture is the centerpiece and a bowl of pins besides some cocktails read, "I believe in Harvey Dent." You grab a drink and look around observing the people, men in plain black tuxes and woman in beautiful and elegant light dresses, this has never been your crowd. For as long as you can remember you've always been the odd one out. While Harvey hung out with a normal crowd as a teen, you hung out with the bad boys, you were always drawn to them and how unique they were. You lean against the wall and sip your cocktail. A normal party for a normal occasion, well it was until you hear the door being thrown open with a loud snap.

Men in clown masks storm the room, you look around as you hear a scream as they draw guns, you don't move from where you are you watch. You hear a laugh growing louder. "Who ordered the clown!?" A man in a purple and green suit exclaims as he walks in the room, the crowd gasp and you get a look at this man's face, it's covered in clown like makeup and two noticeable scars are around his lips. You stare, you know him you've heard about him recently, it's The Joker. He walks up to the guest and smiles at each one. "Have you seen Harvey Dent?" This process repeats a few times until he looks at you and approaches you, he notices how calm you are which makes him laugh. You look at his face.

"Such a pretty face among these snobs! You must know where Harvey Dent is! Where is he?" His voice is chilling but comical, you shake your head. You look around the room, he isn't here. You honestly don't know where he is.

"I don't know where he is." Your voice is composed, he looks at you and smiles wider.

"Fine. If none of you know where Mr Dent is, then I'll have to make an incentive for him to come join us." He grabs your arm and you try to pull it free. He pulls you to a window and one of his men shoot it and break the glass. You look down and notices how far down the fall would be, you look back at him and he cackles. "Hey it's business, nothing personal doll." You look at him more, you aren't afraid of him, you've hung out with criminals before, each one is more broken then then the last, he must be very damaged to want to do something like this. The crowd screams and some try to find Harvey, but you know he probably isn't anywhere close. "Huh, you really aren't that scared." He notices how at ease you are, you aren't afraid of him really, you focus on his scars and gently move one of your hands to his face and feel it with your thumb. He looks at you loosening his grip, his eyes widen and he can't keep eye contact with you. He seems shocked but a little bit comforted. They are bumpy, some red makeup rub off on your finger, he doesn't stop you, the whole crowd watches. You hear a laugh start to emerge from his lips, he stares into your eyes.

"Looks like Harvey isn't going to show anytime soon...want to dance?" He looks at you and you sense a certain kind of twisted innocence, you nod and half smile. He takes both of your hands and pulls you a little bit more closer to him, you feel the power in his grip. He goes to move but then a rooftop window shatters and Batman swoops in. He quickly lets go of you and gets out a gun, his clowns start to shoot while you stand there. You really wanted to dance. You hear Joker laugh as Batman goes to hit him, he dodges it, Joker's clowns distract Batman and he makes a clean escape, Batman knocks a few clowns out cold. He goes to you.

"Are you alright?" You look at him a bit mad but you don't want to show it, the whole crowd is down on the ground cowering.

"I'm fine." You say a bit sourly. Batman makes a dramatic exit and you stand there. You can't get the feeling of Joker's scars out of your head. The look he gave you when you felt them was so innocent, you've always liked the bad guys, and you really like him. The crowd slowly calms down and then your brother shows to tell the crowd that everything is fine, people leave there is way to much shock to keep going. Others leave in limousines but you leave on foot, you want to find Joker. You step outside, the air is a little cold. You follow a trail of bloody foot prints, a lot of the clowns got pretty jacked up during the fight with Batman. As you approach a dock surrounded by storage containers you hear a laugh, your head beats faster, maybe he's here?

"H...hello?" You say gently, the breeze kicks up a little. You hear footsteps and back away a little.

"Oh it's the cutie from the party!" His voice gets closer and now you can see him, you blush a little and he laughs. "That went a bit south, but maybe you can make my loss a bit better!" He stands there and smiles widely at you, you aren't sure what to say, after a moment you speak.

"I can't stop thinking about you, is that weird? I know we just met bu-" He takes your hand and moves it to his scars.

"It's not weird, I feel the same way." As he talks your finger brushes against his scars he smiles and laughs a little. "You are very beautiful, why do you like my scars?"  You blush and look at him, you smile.

"Because, it shows your bravery." After you say this he gently grabs both of your wrist.

"You're the only one that's ever liked them." You both smile at each other and he moves his hand down to your waist. "You know doll, we never got to our dance!" You giggle and nod,

"Oh yeah, then shall we dance?" You gently wrap you arms around him, you both sway in the breeze. You both aren't to good at this whole dancing thing but it doesn't matter, you are close to him and he is close to you. He laughs a little awkwardly at some moments but you think it's adorable. He stops for a moment and moves one hand from your waist to your cheek and he chuckles and leans in to kiss you. Your cheeks light up from your blushing and once your lips connect your heart races, you are so close to him you can hear his heart beat. His kiss is so powerful, he really means it. Once you both pull away you stare into each other's eye, he moves his hand back down to your waist and you both continue to dance. Nothing has ever made you feel as happy as this moment, just you and Joker dancing in the Gotham City breeze.
This was actually very fun to do, I love taking request and turning them into full length imagines! I'm always open for request but before you request read my introduction section so you know what I accept!

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