Roman Sionis (Black Mask) //"Boss Part 2"//

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Imagine: It has only been a few months since you two starting going out together, you have no complaints, he is really nice to you and you still work for him, everything seems perfect but he makes a mistake.

"Just a few..a few more minutes Y/N/N..." Roman yawns as he gently pulls you down, it's around 6:00 am you have a hit to get ready for a hit but he still wants to sleep.

"I have a hit Romy, for you." You laugh softly teasing, he scowls tiredly. He hates when you call him that.

"So, just do it some other day...." He says between yawns, you lay back down and he pulls you closer to him in a tight cuddle, he was at his club for a long time last night, he's only been in bed for about three or two hours. You cover yourself back up, you are still pretty tired so you close your eyes. His breathing soothes you into a light sleep, ever since you two have been together, you found yourself going to sleep much easier. You have killed a lot of people, and sometimes you could see their faces and they would torment you before you went to bed, but now you don't, it doesn't bother you now.

"Love you...." He says in his sleep, you hear it before you go fully back to bed
"I did it boss." You tell him when you see him, he smiles at you and gives you a soft kiss.

"Thank you kitten!" He is getting changed for something, you blush softly, every time he calls you that it makes you blush.

"Where are you going?" You take off your jacket and put your weapons by the bed he buttons up his suit.

"Down to the club." That's a bit strange, he was just there almost all night last night. You giggle,

"Weren't you just there?" You take off your gloves

"Well yeah. But I'm in the mood!" He pats your head and you playfully swat his hand away, he laughs and you sit down on the bed. "Do you have anything planned tonight?" He sounds a bit nervous when he says this, your heart sinks a little, what if he's doing things he's not supposed to.

"Oh yeah, I'm meeting a group of old friends for dinner." You lie, and he nods, usually if you were to say this a week ago he would ask questions like, "where?", "are they men?", and "can I trust you?" But now he just nods, what's going on, you have to find out. He leaves the room and you take a deep breath.

"What if..." you say quietly to yourself. You come up with a plan, go to his club. You could easily catch him if you watch from far. You stand up and go to your closet and take out some descent clothes, with every second that passes you think about him being unfaithful, it slowly breaks your heart. You have no proof yet, but to be honest you don't want proof.
She has blonde hair, bright blue eyes, beautifully done make up, especially her bright red lipstick and fake eyelashes. She's in a tight red dress. She's so much prettier then you. He must think the same. You are peaking out from behind a support barrier, he's talking to her. That doesn't mean anything but they sound like they know each other. She laughs with him, you scream on the inside. The singer is singing a romantic song, and the lights are at a perfect setting. He leans in, she does the same. They kiss. You tear up. You run out. You cry outside.

How could this be possible, all the nights you two spent together cuddling and telling each other how much you love each other means nothing. Nothing...nothing at all. You are in the bedroom you two share, packing up your clothes into a suit case. Waiting for him to come home so you can tell
him. You won't stop working for him, you know what happens to those that do, but you will stop feeling anything towards him. He's just a boss to you. You cry, you can't stop. You loved him, more then you loved yourself and this is how he shows his "love" towards you. You hear the door open, you stand up tears steaming down your face.

"Hey Y/N...what's wrong kit-"

"Don't ever call me that again!" You scream, he stares at you a bit confused.


"Don't pretend like you don't know! I went to your club tonight, I saw what you did!" You continue to cry and take your suit case. He stares at you, he realizes what you mean and he tries to walk closer to you.

"Y/N/N, that wasn't what it looks like. I just-" You go to leave, he grabs your arm. "I just wanted to see what it would be like with someone else, I wanted to make sure you were the one!" You grit your teeth, this was his excuse, he could go around kissing anyone he wants because he "wants to see what it's like."

"Let go of me." He let's go and you walk out the door, he stand there looking at the door, he starts to tear up, he realizes how wrong he is, and how much he still loves you. You let go of your feelings, you don't want to love him, but you do. You stay at a friends house for the night. You go to go to bed, the first time alone in a while. The faces of your victims torment you, they mock you and scream. You wish you had him right now, but he's probably already in bed with the girl.

He's in bed, by himself passed out drunk. Bottles of alcohol are on the bed. Just maybe he was trying to drink himself to death, he doesn't want to sleep without you so he put himself in a forced sleep. He
can get very unstable at times, and this was his breaking point.
You still work for him, but he hasn't called you with a hit in a while, but that changes after a week. You get a call from one his men saying he has a hit. You already let go off all your feelings towards him, but you go down a bit reluctantly. When you find him, he looks so sad, his hair is beyond messy and he is wearing a robe which looks like he's been wearing it for a while. He just hands you a hit folder like he usually does, you take out the profile. It's him.

"If you don't do it, you're fired." The air reeks of alcohol his voice sounds so defeated. You shake your head, when you look at him you can tell after you left he hasn't even thought about that girl. You look at him, those feeling for him rush back into you.

"Romy...." When you say this his heart stops and he stares at you, for the first time, he adores this, he adores hearing you say this. He quickly goes over to you and hugs you tight. You can feel his heart beat, you tear up.

"Please....please...please forgive me kitten, I know...I know I did something wrong." He is almost pleading, you can hear the hurt in his voice, you blush hard when he calls you kitten. He knows his mistake. "I can't live just being your boss Y/N/N." When you are this close to him, the alcohol smell fills your nostrils. He's doing so much damage to himself, it breaks your heart to think of him hurting himself.

"I never stopped loving you, I pretended I did to make myself feel better, but I never did." You whisper gently, he tilts your head up to him, you never saw that look in his eyes as strong as it is now, it's such a loving gaze.

"I haven't stopped thinking about you...." He stares into your eyes, you can't help but blush. "Please take me back Y/N/N...."

"I need you to promise me one thing." You say in a gentle tone, he nods and looks at you with a spark of hope.

"Please, please don't ever cheat on me. If you ever want to break up just tell me, don't do that stuff behind my back." He gives you a powerful kiss, you miss the comfort of his lips. He pulls away and nods

"I won't ever cheat on you ever again, Y/N/N. I realized how much I love you.

You laugh playfully and kiss him quickly. "I love you Boss."

"I Love you to, much."
Aw this got kind of sad, but I really like it!

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