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Even foundation couldn't make the bags underneath my eyes disappear. I wondered why I was even trying. It's not like I was trying to impress anyone. As far as I knew, I was gonna live like a nun for the rest of my life. Screw men, I didn't need them.

I hadn't slept well that night. The only thing I could think about was getting my revenge. I didn't know how we were gonna do this and I didn't know this Doctor-person but for some reason I had a lot of faith. Maybe it was misplaced and I needed to be more rational about this but another part of me couldn't help but feel giddy.

Mike was going down.

My mom wasn't home so I didn't have to come up with an excuse as to why I wasn't at school. I checked myself in the mirror one last time and went outside. I'd texted Sage that I was on my way but I hadn't received anything back.

As I got closer to my destination, I really hoped Sage hadn't forgotten about me. I didn't know the girls well so I had no idea if I could trust them. As far as I knew this could be a trap. I was the youngest of the bunch, maybe they figured they could trick me or something.

I quickly shook those disturbing thoughts away. I didn't want to be scared and ignored the heavy pounding of my heart.

A few minutes after I'd arrived, Sage came running towards me. I sighed in relief because I'd been close to just going back home. She looked better than the last time I'd seen her. She looked more relaxed and her black hair was pulled into a lazy bun.

"Hi, hope I'm not late." She panted. I wondered if she'd been running the entire way here. I had no idea if she lived far away and suddenly I felt myself getting nervous. I'd never been in this kind of situation before but now I was gonna meet Hope's brother and then revenge would be ours.

"No, I just got here." I told her and she seemed to be relieved by my answer.

"You ready?" She asked me. The look on her face told me she wouldn't blame me for leaving but I was too close now. I could almost taste it and I wasn't gonna miss this opportunity.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I told her with a nervous smile and she gestured for me to follow her to the alley where Hope said her brother worked.

The alley was empty aside from the big white van parked in the middle. For a second I wondered if we were in the right place.

Sage walked up to the van and knocked a few times. It seemed like she knew what she was doing and suddenly I was glad she came with me.

The van moved a little and then the doors of the back opened and a guy jumped out. It was obvious he was Hope's brother. They both looked like those porcelain dolls my aunt Tilda used to collect. She'd store them in the guest room and whenever I had a sleepover I got scared by the dolls staring at me.

Just like Hope, Dean had blue eyes and sand-colored blond hair. He was tall and his face was smooth and friendly. It would be flawless if it weren't for the scar that went through his left eyebrow. That and the tattoo on his neck made him seem more edgy. I wondered what the tattoo was because only a tiny part was visible.

"Hello girls, so who can I help today? Unless it's a two person deal, that's cheaper." He told us in a business-like matter.

"We're not pregnant. Hope said you could help us." Sage explained.

"Right! Yes, I was expecting you two. Let's go inside, it's chilly, isn't it?" Dean said and we followed his lead into the van. He seemed like a nice, trustworthy guy even though he was probably a horrible criminal. I mean, abortions? A shiver ran down my spine and I forced myself not to think about it.

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