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With a big sigh I parked my car. School days never seemed to end.

You'd think a person would be happy it was weekend, but tomorrow I had another meeting. That support group was a load of crap. The counselor couldn't stop talking about feelings and the guys seemed like retarded pigs even though I was probably offending a lot of pigs.

A few girls had seemed okay. Except for the junkie, she looked like she could break any second.

"Crap." I muttered under my breath when I noticed my parents car in the driveway. I'd forgotten they'd be back but luckily it was a big house so the chances that I would see them were slim.

"Miss Emerson, make sure you clean up tonight. We're preparing a family dinner." Donna said before I could escape to my room.

"I'm not hungry." I replied. Family dinner? I'd rather eat from the garbage can than to have an awkward dinner with my parents.

"Oh sweetie, it's very import-"

"Fine, I'll be there." I interrupted her and went to my room.

"Sorry, I'll be out in a minute, Miss Emerson." My cleaning lady said. I hated it when people went into my room without me knowing but for some reason I trusted Mandy.

"Whatever." I shrugged. I walked up to my bed and dived onto it.

"Tough day?" Mandy asked and stopped cleaning as she waited for me to answer her.

"No, just dreading dinner." I told her. The kids at school weren't giving me a tough time since the incident. They actually did their best to keep a distance, which I preferred.

"Right, the chef has been at it all afternoon. Shouldn't you be getting ready? I was told dinner was at six." Mandy told me.

"What time is it?" I asked her absentmindedly while playing with a lock of my red hair.

"Five thirty." She said. I looked at her to see if she was joking or not but she seemed dead serious. Seemed like I was going to dinner dressed like this. Oh well, my parents would survive even though they'd probably pretend to be dying just by looking at me. If only looks could kill.

"I guess I should get ready." I told her while rolling around in my bed, probably making myself even more messy in the process.

"You're unbelievable, Alex." Mandy chuckled. She left my room shortly after. I decided I had just enough time to wash my hair before I'd go downstairs to eat seven courses of food that you couldn't see on your plate unless you had a magnifying glass.

Half an hour later I sauntered to the dining room and much to my dismay my mom was already waiting for me. When she spotted me she opened her arms and walked towards me.

"Alexis, I've missed you." She said as she gave the air near my cheek a kiss.

"Mom." I greeted her.

"Oh my, your hair! Is that the new trend for this year? Did Fabio do this?" My mom asked while touching a lock of my hair. I hoped her fake nails wouldn't get tangled in them.

"Nope, I did this myself." I pointed at my hair and she dropped the lock as if it had a contagious disease.

"How very punk rock of you." She winked. "Let's not tell your father." She whispered and not shortly after I could hear his footsteps.

After a nod from my dad we all sat down and Donna brought our plates with food. It was ridiculous to sit at this big table when there were only three of us but I didn't mind because I'd feel suffocated if I had to sit near my parents.

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