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I got woken up from a deep sleep because of my phone. The loud ringing was a hard interruption from my peaceful sleep in the warm bed I'd gotten used to. It took me a few seconds for my mind to catch up with reality and when it did, I grabbed my phone without looking.

"Hello?" I said with a sleepy voice.

"Hi, it's me." I shot awake when I heard Madd's voice on the other side of the line. All of the sleep immediately left my body and got replaced by worry.

"Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yes, calm down. It's just..." Madd paused and sighed a little. "I don't know, something weird happened."

"Something weird?" I repeated. She was making no sense but I was relieved she didn't seem hurt.

"Yeah. So I went to sleep last night and I just as I was falling asleep the door opened. First I thought I'd imagined it but when I opened my eyes, I noticed Gavin was standing in the doorway." Madd told me.

I didn't like the sound of this. Ellen's disgusting boyfriend had done the most damage to me while Ellen would just watch with a smirk on her face. It had gotten so bad I was only able to have sex with someone if I were high and I couldn't get flooded by all the bad memories.

"Anyway, he didn't notice so I pretended to be asleep although I was ready to make a run for it if he tried anything." Madd said.

I was glad she'd said that. She couldn't fight the guy because Gavin was strong. I shuddered at the thought and tried to focus on Madd's story.

"He climbed next to me in bed, pulled the blanket over both of us and then nothing happened. I have to admit, Sage, I was terrified. I'm surprised he didn't hear me whimper. The weird thing is, he didn't do anything. He just fell asleep a few minutes later. Obviously, I didn't sleep because I didn't trust him and at one point he spooned me but that's it. He woke up at around 5 AM and snuck out again." Madd finished her story.

"I'm so relieved he didn't do anything." My voice came out as a whisper.

"You and me both. I just called to tell you this, my alarm is gonna go off any minute now." Madd told me.

"Thanks for calling. How's everything going?" I asked, hoping for a quick answer before she had to hang up again.

"I don't know how to answer that. Everything here's just fucked up. Ellen is a psychopath, telling us she loves us but beats Sidney and Heather for the smallest things. And what's up with all her rules? She's nuts Sage, but I guess I don't have to tell you. Heather misses you though, it kills me not to tell her about you." She said.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. Heather had been like a sister to me and I missed her too. Whenever I thought about her, the guilt washed over me.

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